Old Wounds

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Following the end of his story Six answered all the questions Lia, Oritus, and Eleanor had.

The questions mostly consisted of stuff about the weapons but they also seemed intrigued on the Legionaires themselves.

"So you say that the 'Powered Armor' increased your strength greatly, if that's the case then those Praetorian's must have been on par with high gold ranked adventurers" Oritus said crossing his arms and nodding his head in respect.

"You can just call the armor Tesla PA, but yea the Praetorian Guard are one of Caesars most elite force aside from his Frumentari. Elite in a sense of combat superiority and loyalty, I've come face to face with a few Centurions who weren't as devoted as even the lowest Praetorian's." Six paused.

"Still though, their loyalty only got them killed in the end" He added.

"What about that giant explosion! How did you do that?" Lia asked eagerly causing Six to chuckle.

"That came from a weapon called the Euclid-C Finder, it's like a um, damn don't know how to really explain this one" this weapon might be too advanced to explain simply but he tried his best.

"Its a device that is used to guide a thing in the sky, when I aim it at a specific location after a few seconds it shoots down a powerful blast of energy. I can only use it once a day and usually my fights don't require such firepower so it tends to gather dust in my weapon rack." Six explained it the best he could without going too high tech.

"Wow, I've heard of powerful mages who could conjure balls of fire as large as a house but what you described sounded far more devastating" Oritus interjected, Six nodded, it wasn't like the weapon would work if he had brought it but he could imagine that it would create quite the stir if it did function.

"What about that thing you called a sparkle wood?" Lia asked getting jumbled on the name.

"The Sprtel-Wood 9700, it's like my pistol but way bigger and way more powerful" Six said, he held his arms out apart from each other.

"Its about this big and can lay down hundreds of shots very quickly. It's a shame that it was so badly damaged in the fight but a few of my more weapon savvy friends have it in their list of things to work on."

By the end of his assault on the Legion fort his gatling laser had been reduced to a hunk of scrap metal. Most of the internal components were fried and the blueprints to make a new one were locked away behind the Gun Runners doors.

That was ok though, if Johnson and the Think Tank brains couldn't figure it out he could always steal the plans from GR. They liked the work though so he decided against it, he sure would have liked to have it's firepower here though.

"What about those tesla coils, the way you described them made it sound like they were a form of lightning magic" Oritus said based on his observations.

"You wouldn't be wrong, the armor was fitted with these coils all throughout the frame. The electricity provided a good defense for melee weapons and if needed I could expell all the extra power in what I call an arc blast. It's perfect for dealing with a crowd."

"So anything else?" Six asked, Oritus and Lia both thought for a moment but couldn't seem to come up with anything.

Eleanor spoke up.

"What caused you to hate the Legion so much?" Eleanor asked, shying away from the questions of weapons and equipment.

Six was caught off guard by it and he looked at her with a raised eyebrow "What do you mean? They were bad people, slavers, raiders, essentially a big group of assholes."

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