Whispers in the Dark

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The small splashing of water droplets hitting the pool was the only noise that could be heard echoing throughout the room.

Had it not been for the sound an onlooker might have mistaken the scene before them as a masterfully detailed painting that mimicked reality.



Questions raced throughout Six's head. Questions such as why wasn't I able to sense their presence? And, why haven't they attacked? Were at the forefront of his thoughts.

It had only been seconds since he noticed them, yet it appeared that they had been fixated on him sense he cut into the cave. Despite their cold eyes being locked onto Six they made no move.

They remained still but Six's body wouldn't allow himself to be ambushed by such creatures.

If they won't attack I will.



He moved at lightning speed. But another thing caught him by surprise.

For some reason his VATS would not lock onto the beasts before him.

Whatever, no time to ponder.

His weight shifted into his front foot and he flung himself forward into the air. As he flew forward he brought the axe up over his body and prepared to cleave through the things head.

Still, the Sifja made no move.

They probably weren't expecting me to move this quickly Six thought as he neared the closest one.

Six, Yes Man called out but he ignored him as he entered battle.

He swung the axe down  through the top of its head. It connected and Six could feel it ripping through the chitin like it was made of paper. The Dwarves sure knew how to forge a good axe.

He sliced clean through the things head dividing it into two halfs. His feet touched the ground and he immediately jumped towards the second one.


Before the first ones head even hit the ground Six had already brought the axe into the seconds torso. He put more force into the swing and cut through like it was a tree standing in his way. It's upper half was flung away yet it gave no death cry or even a sound of pain.

Ignoring this he spun around, as he did he used the momentum to throw the axe at the final Sifja Soldier.


It made no attempt to dodge or even look at the coming attack and remained in the same position.

The axe spun through the air like a vertibird propeller and beheaded the last one. The axe wasn't stopped and it flew until it impaled itself into the stone wall with a resounding crack of the rock.

Six stood there regaining his breath.

What was up with these things?

Had he moved so fast that they couldn't even react to their own deaths?

He liked to pat himself on the back after a good show of skill but if he had moved that fast then he really blew his own perception of his skill out of the water. To have dispatched three enemies that were spread out without them being able to blink, this would be a great fight to brag about.

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