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It took them several arduous days to make their way back to Holden, their footsteps weighed down by weariness and an unspoken solemnity that settled over the journey.

Unlike their previous journey together, this time the air was heavy with silence, and there was a noticeable absence of their past lively conversations.

Rather than basking in the triumphant afterglow of accomplishment, a bittersweet sorrow now clung to their every thought.

It draped over their heads like a dark cloud, casting a shadow on their hearts.

Upon reaching the forest near Holden, they felt compelled to hold a somber ceremony, a final farewell to their fallen comrade, Falgon.

Although Six had already disposed of his body, they opted to bury his mace and Guild Card as symbolic tokens of remembrance.

Edward, his voice laden with grief, offered heartfelt words in honor of Falgon's memory, while Sarah, her emotions raw and torn, struggled to contain her anguish. Vik, his head bowed low, found solace in silent prayer.

Six and Lia, having known Falgon only briefly, stood silently on the sidelines, respecting the others' need for grieving farewells.

At Holden they turned in the quest, they were congratulated and handed a large sack of gold. Apparently the bounty that was on Vurkans head grew since they left, it appeared that the Kingdom of Rudelia really wanted him dead.

After claiming their reward they were given a meeting room so that they could divide the gold between themselves.

"Thank you for the help, we honestly don't know if we could have done it without you two" Edward extended his hand, gratitude shining in his eyes as he addressed Six and Lia.

With a firm grip, Six reciprocated the handshake, acknowledging the bond forged through their shared ordeal.

"I would have died if it weren't for Falgon, he was a good man. I will be ever grateful for his sacrifice"

He handed over the portion designated for the Mojave Rangers, and Six carefully stowed it away in his backpack.

Curiosity piqued, so Six asked Edward if they planned to stay in Holden, only to receive a shake of the head in response.

"We're headed back to the capital. There's someone there who needs to know that we've successfully fulfilled the bounty," Edward explained rather cryptically.

Six's thought's immediately went to that of Edwards' family. He had heard that the young adventurer was part of nobility but he had failed to discover anything past that bit of information. Perhaps this was some sort of honor bound quest that he needed to complete, but this was all just baseless musings on Six's part.

At some point during the time that they left Vurkans camp someone must have grabbed the Captain's helmet as Six noticed that it was tied firmly to Edward's pack.

The black iron helm bore the indelible marks of battle, stained with dried blood along its base—a grim reminder of the captain's final moments.

Gazing upon the twisted metal, a sense of unease gnawed at Six, compelling him to avert his eyes and push the thoughts away.

Taking a deep breath to steady himself, Six turned to Sarah and spoke with a mixture of gratitude and reverence.

"I want to express my sincerest thanks for your invaluable teachings on magic. They have proven to be more significant than words can convey."

She looked taken aback as he slightly bowed his head in respect. Lia stepped forward.

"When we run into each other again, I will be a powerful mage like you Sarah" she said also bowing.

Sarah put her hand up to her mouth and her eyes glinted like she was about to cry, she took a breath though and smiled.

"I'm counting on it," Sarah replied, her voice tinged with emotion.

Her laughter, though tinged with sadness, filled the air, providing a fleeting moment of levity amidst the prevailing heaviness.

Despite the weight of their recent experiences, they found solace in concluding their encounter on a positive note, hopeful for future reunions.

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