Lucky 38

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The desert sun glowed hot above the strip as Six and Boone walked up the wide steps of the Lucky 38 casino. After a nice breakfast at sloan they were ready to turn in the data they had gathered from their most recent excursion out into the wasteland.

A singular securitron sat at the top, its screen presenting the cheery face of a smiling cowboy. As they passed it gave them a cheery "Howdy Partner!" while welcoming them into the building. It had no need to stop them nor question their presence, after all they were a regular occurrence nowadays.

As they walked into the casino they were greeted by the soft vocals of Frank Sinatra and two more securitron's flanking the an elevator not too far from the front door.

"Good afternoon sir" they said in unison their monitors showed the face of a gruff soldier with artificial voices to match.

The inside of the casino was cool and dim, a nice change of temperature for the two men. Six took off his helmet and pressed a button to open the elevator that rested in the center of the room.

Boone frowned at the robots but stood silently beside Six, he didn't much like the cartoonish nature of these killing machines but this routine of being greeted by securitron's had become a normal part of his schedule for the most part.

The elevator dinged and they both stepped on.

Six pressed two buttons and after a short pause the elevator began to rise. Six held his helmet against his hip and tapped his fingers against the side in beat with Frank Sinatra's voice, Boone looked over to him out of the corner of his eye, he didn't know how he could be so relaxed around House. Sure he had been in some tough situations himself especially during his time in the 1st Recon but House was different from most enemies who just want to shoot you and be done with it.

The ruler of Vegas had a mind unlike anybody else in the wasteland, House seemed to have an all-knowing intellect rivaled by no other, and with a mechanical army capable of leveling most groups Boone wondered just when the man would snap and go on a conquest to take whatever he desired.

Boone wouldn't have felt this way if it wasn't for the fact that he was also so mysterious, even after running with Six for so long he barely knew anything about House. That man could be plotting something dastardly and nobody would know until it was too late.

The elevator came to a stop and the door opened. That same cowboy securitron from the entrance greeted them once more.

"High Roller Suite" it called out.

Boone, cut off from his thoughts of a House ruled wasteland, stepped off into the lounge area of the suite.

"Hey can you get Raul to fix this up for me while I'm gone?" Six asked, taking off his duster and handing it to Boone.

"Can't fix a small tear on your own?" He took it and gave a small grin

"You work that old ghoul too hard, sooner or later he'll go feral."

They both suddenly heard the sound of a door being swung open

"I heard that muchacho sodado!" A rough voice called out from one of the rooms.

Six chuckled "Let the others know I'll be back down in a few."

Boone gave a nod and walked off from the elevator towards the hollering ghoul.

The elevator doors closed and it started to rise once again. After a few seconds of waiting the doors slid open.

"Penthouse Suite!"

Six was greeted once again by the cowboy robot who called out the floor name, this time it was accompanied by another securitron.

This one was slightly different in that it had the face of a woman with jet black hair.

"Thanks vic, hey Jane" Six said, greeting the second securitron.

"Hey sugar, Mr. House is just delighted to hear about your recent trip, he is waiting for you so don't dilly dally" it spoke in a motherly tone, but he knew it was still packing the same firepower as all the rest.

"Don't worry I'm heading right in, take care of my gear for me while i'm talking to the boss man"

He handed Jane his helmet and rifle then walked through the hallway on his left. As he stepped out onto the balcony of the next room he looked over the large console that sat at the bottom of the stairs.

This room had many securitron guards all at the ready, luckily he had been granted express permission to be in this area. He walked down the stairs towards the front of the huge monitor that loomed over everything in the room. As he did it flashed green and the face of an old world aristocrat appeared, Robert House looked down at Six with a sly grin.

"I'm glad to see you have returned, did you acquire the schematics from the coordinates I provided?"

Six unhooked the Pip-Boy 2500 from his belt and held it up.

"It was in a secure room like you said it would be, there was a small amount of resistance but nothing me and Boone couldn't handle"

Six walked up to the console and plugged in the Pip-Boy.

"By the way there was some type of scientist there, that of any interest to you?"

Six looked up to house questioningly but Mr. House simply murmured in response with a tone of disinterest.

"He was a prospector who had some knowledge in technology, but his understanding was only slightly better than that of the rest of the mediocre crowd. However, it is of no concern now he is dead, and I have acquired the data."

Six sighed and crossed his arms.

"You knew he would be there?"

House smiled

"It was a high likelihood, but I knew you could handle him."

This wasn't the first time he had been spared the details of a mission so Six didn't push it further.

"So do you have any more assignments for me, these retrieval missions have been non stop lately"

House's face shrunk down to the corner of the monitor as a complicated looking blueprint enlarged over the screen

"Look at this schematic, do you know what it is?"

Six glanced at the image presented to him, it looked like some sort of machine, kinda like the ones inside of abandoned factories throughout the wasteland.

"Is it some type of machine for industrial manufacturing?''

House smirked

"Precisely, but what's special about this one is that it is a modified industrial production line that is entirely automated." An image of a facility that was up and running appeared on the screen, it looked prewar.

"When this facility is operating at full capacity, I will have the capability to fully restore both Vegas and the surrounding areas that have been damaged by the last 200 years of degradation, utilizing materials produced in my own personal factories. But this is merely the beginning to project 'Eden' you see, and along with the recent reclamation of Hoover Dam my plans are about to pick up nicely with you as my most senior advisor."

His face enlarged again to fill the screen.

"Your constant excursions have not been for naught, this most recent one was the last that I will require for the immediate future."

Six uncrossed his arms and walked forward.

"As long as you keep the caps coming and your end of the bargain straight, I'll be available." Six said with a sly smile of his own, and a firm but amicable tone in his voice.

"Since this gives me some free time though I'll be heading to Big MT for a few weeks" he picked his Pip-Boy back up and turned to leave.

"You are a most valuable asset courier, so you don't have to worry about me upholding our agreement" Mr. House returned to his usual expression as he watched the courier head back to the elevator.

"And don't forget if you desire my intellect with any of your crazed experiments you need only ask"

Six gave House a loose salute as he exited the room

"I'll leave the crazed experiments up to the crazed scientist's for now."

As Six exited the room Mr. House's screen switched to the words -Connection Lost- leaving the room in silence. Six gathered his gear from Jane and got back on the elevator, heading towards the presidential suite.


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