Blackstone Prospecting

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Lia had surprised Eleanor with her sudden awakening and further questioning of Six's whereabouts, at one moment she was sleeping and in the next she was energetically in the woman's face with hasty vigor.

Swiftly, albeit a little flustered, Eleanor informed her that Oritus was already out searching for Six and that he had heavily advised for them to await his and Six's return but this didn't sit well with the young girl.

She mulled over her next moves but too many of her thoughts leaned on the side of getting into contact with Six as soon as possible.

Thus Lia couldn't accept sitting around, waiting for them to return.

Since it was just the two of them however, Lia asked Eleanor to come along with her in search of the currently missing group leader.

In reality though her request etched more on the side of a 'Im doing this with or without you' attitude, thus the more timid individual of the pair reluctantly agreed to come along despite her internal opposition.

When they first joined up with the Dwarves Lia had overheard Six talking to Oritus about not wanting either of them to be left alone, he had heavily emphasized staying as a group when he wasn't around.

So if Oritus had gone away in search of Six then the situation must have necessitated such a breach of clear instructions, at least, this was how Lia saw things based on her own observations.

In the end this did nothing to ease her already troubled thoughts. 

The passing of time hadn't weighed down on her since the events of the Sifja attack so she wasn't too sure on how long it had been since Six had originally ventured into the unknown nest. 

She had also been sleeping which meant her sense of time was even more scattered than before. Six could have been gone for a few hours or a whole day and she wouldn't have known the difference.

The caves proved to be an intense disruptive setting for her internal clock.

As Lia spoke to Eleanor, she seemed to let on that she knew a slight bit of details on what happened but she outright refused to answer Lia's persistent questioning despite this.

All she would say was stuff on the lines of,

"Oritus heard that something might have happened so he went to find out if it was true or not"

With a sideways glance and nervous jittering. 

Lia narrowed her eyes but accepted it with a huff knowing that Eleanor was probably saying this in an effort to not worry her, even though it only resulted in the adverse effect. 

Eleanor was kind at heart but also naive, she wasn't aware that sometimes the kindest answer isn't always the right one.

For now they wandered around hastefully searching for wherever the monster nest entrance had been located.

They passed through the rows of tents searching for a path with no luck, the place was like a giant underground maze. 

Though, in a way this wasn't far from the truth. 

At least with some trees and an open sky Lia could climb up to try and get a better vantage point but while in here all they could do was stumble around hoping to find the correct path. 

This wasn't a big issue for the Dwarves who appeared to have a sixth sense for cave navigation but for a couple of surface residents like themselves they might as well have been blindfolded.

After nearly twenty minutes of random traveling and teetering on the edge of pulling her hair out Lia caught the distant sounds of loud speaking paired with astonished gasping. 

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