Adrian Carrol

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Editor note: The girl is Arabella and Evelyn. (Blonde=Arabella // Brunette= Evelyn.)

Arabellas pov.

"Bella are you nearly ready?" Ezra said knocking on the bathroom door trying not to wake his mum. "Yep, let's go." I said as I opened the bathroom door. "Jesus. You always look so hot Angel."
We arrived at the party as we went in the doors we were greeted by one of evies 'men'. "Hey bro. Do you want a drink?" Adrian said to ezra, im guessing they're friends? "No thanks. I'm driving. But Arabella might" Arabella? "Yea, please." I smiled slightly at Adrian. " Okay bella follow me we'll get a drink, Ezra go in through the hall. That's where evie n that are." "Ok." Ezra said bluntly. I looked him with a confused look and walked off with Adrian.

"Here you go." Adrian handed me a red cup full of whatever this is. "Thank you. Can we go join ezra?" I smiled. "Yes of course I'll show u the way." Adrian linked my arm and showed me the way.

We walked in the room and ezra stared at me becuase I was linking arms with Adrian. I faked a smile at him then frowned. I sat down with Adrian and evie glared at me. "Problem?" I tilted my head at her. She's a bitch. "Yea. Why are you here" She argued. I rolled my eyes and took a sip of my drink.

"This is so nice. Thank you Adrian" "You're welcome Arabella." He smiled at me. Him saying my name gave me butterflies. I mean look at him...

 I mean look at him

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Ezra eyed me. He knew what was going on. Evie clocked it as well. "Ok guys let's play truth or dare." Evie put her hands together slyly smiling. "Okay. I'm in" i fake smiled at her. Adrian and ezra just awkwardly sat there. "Ok me first. Arabella truth or dare?" Evie looked at me. "Who was your first time? I mean you must've been with so many men." She teased knowing ezra was my first. "Ezra." I said.

Adrian looked at me and looked away quickly. Ezra smirked at Adrian. "Ok my turn then." I grinned. "Adrian truth or dare" "Dare." Oo " I dare you to kiss the person youre most attracted to." I said with my legs crossed. Adrian turned to me and kissed me. Ezra looked like he was gonna burst and I loved it. I smile at Adrian as I pull away from him.

Evie saw that Ezra didn't like it and she whispered something in his ear. "Me and evie will be right back guys" Ezra said while looking at me. I rolled my eyes at him. Me and Ezra barely knew eachother and even though we have done 'stuff...' and I met his mum we have only been close for a few days.

So I think I can do whatever I want because I'm not his. Yet. I grabbed Adrian  by the arm and we went upstairs. We got into a door and closed it behind us and Adrian smashed his lips against mine. I deepened the kiss and I fell back into the door with his arms either side of me.

There was a knock on the door. I smiled against Adrian's lips trying not to laugh. "Arabella open the door right now." I heard ezra demand. My smile faded. I opened the door and Ezra punched Adrian in the face. "Ezra! That's the second time you've done that you need to stop!" I laughed a little at the thought of him being protective of me.

I helped Adrian up and he went downstairs leaving me and Ezra alone. Adrian was hot but he was never gonna be hotter than ezra... He looked great tonight.

He's so hot and I wanted him

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He's so hot and I wanted him. But I couldn't do anything because evie was stood behind him. I narrowed my eyes at him and left the room to find Adrian.

I looked around for him but I couldn't find him. He probably left. But instead I saw a familiar face... "Oh my god Arabella ??" The familiar face said. "Evelyn?? Omg it's been years !" I gasped while giving her a hug

"Arabella! Let's go upstairs I wanna show you my room!" Evelyn said sounding excited. " Oh okay! Can mason come?" I asked. Evelyn looked up and down at mason. "No." "Oh okay... mason I'll see you soon!" I kissed mason goodbye and me and Ev went upstairs.
You can guess what happened next...

Present day ,Arabella pov:

I was catching up with Evelyn until a tall figure walked in the room. Yea. Ezra. He sat down next to me and he wasn't with Evie. "Bella I need to talk to you." "Oh now you wanna talk to me?" I said with attitude. "Outside, now." He said while narrowing his eyes at Evelyn.

" I'll text you." I said goodbye to Evelyn and me and ezra left. We walked to the car in silence and before we got in he stopped me at my door. He took my hand. "Angel. I'm sorry about tonight and not talking to you. I got a text from my brother and he said my dad came home." He looked at me and he looked scared in a way.

I put my hand on his face. " I don't forgive you ezzy." I joked. "But I'll come back with you if that will help you feel more comfortable I mean im still not on talking terms with Kayla." "I don't want you to get hurt. I just need to drop you off at your flat with Kayla and I need to go home. It's not safe for you bella." I looked into his eyes and nodded my head. I kissed him and we got in the car.

We drove in silence because tonight was quite a random night. Seriously it was so jumbled. But we got back to my flat and he walked me to the door. "Are you gonna be alright? Are you sure you don't want me to come with y" "Arabella I'll be fine. I'll text you tonight okay?" He cut me off. I just nodded. He kissed me softly and left.

I walked in the door to see Kayla waiting. "Where have you been?? Seriously I've been worried about you!" Kayla ran up to me. "You we're with Mason. Why!?" "Okay hear me out bels I was drunk and Mason came over looking for you becuase he was gonna apolagise and me and him just got carried away and it meant nothing! If you wanna talk to Mason about it to then I'm not stopping you honestly it meant nothing and I was drunk i know it's not an excuse but it's the truth and I understand if u don't forgive me becuase it was super shitty of me I'd do anything to take back what happened that night im so sorry"

"It's okay. I forgive you. Plus I think I'm starting to fall for ezra." I said feeling butterflies in my stomach when I said his name. "Ezra? As in the ezra who was having sex with evie tonight?" "What? No he wouldn't do that surely..." "It's on evies instagram well not the sex but before the sex" "show me?" I asked feeling confused but I couldn't be mad at him. I almost had sex with Adrian.

She shown me and it was true. I took a deep breath. "It's okay me and him aren't official. and plus we don't know if they actually had sex that night..." "Yea that's the best way to look at it. Go get some rest we are going shopping tomorrow." Kayla smiled. "Alright." I fake smiled back confused and for some reason irritated.

It's not like I'm  in love with ezra. Like cmon he's a player I saw it from my own eyes. Even though he opened up to me so I don't know why he would do that . Thoughts ran through my mind and I eventually got sleep. Although I didn't receive a text from Ezra..

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