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I got up in the morning. Last night it was an Aitne moon... One of my favourites. I felt nauseous and sick. I don't usually feel sick or nauseous in the morning after drinking but I did for some reason. I rolled my eyes and got out of bed going into the kitchen to look for some tablets and water.

I was wearing ezras green and black jumper that I forgot to give back. Whoops. Kayla saw me and smiled. "Rough night last night then? Did you only forgive me becuase you were pissed?" She looked panicked. "No. Don't worry I was alive then" I laughed. "Well we are going in 15 minutes so get ready" "15??? I just got up!" I complained. "Always best to catch the shops in the morning. Smaller queues." Kayla shrugged and chuckled.

I rolled my eyes and went to get dressed. I got dressed into my black pleated flower dress and put a leather jacket over it and my platform boots. I still hadn't heard from ezra... I was getting worried.

I checked my phone only to see that I called him like 15 times which I don't remember doing. I rubbed eyes in embarrassment. I put on my mascara and some moistureizer and went shopping with Kayla.

My head was still aching really badly even though I took tablets. Maybe I'm getting sick or something. It is October and that's when I usually get ill.

Me and Kayla arrived at the shopping centre and went straight to Pandora. "Oooh look at these! These are very nice! Let's get them" Kayla said excited. £150? God. "They're abit expensive Kayla" "On me." A voice said behind us. It was the doorman from that party weeks ago. He wasn't actually that bad.

"Are you sure? That's £300" I said. "Oh that's nothing. Here have my card kay and buy whatever. You can repay me tonight. And also tonight you can give me my card back." He tilted his head at kayla. I just stood there with my arms crossed. The doorman left and I shook kayla. "Shopping spree!!" I said excited. Kayla squeeled making me cover my ears.

After a few hours of shopping and trying things on I think I got some really nice new clothes. With a random man's credit card. Woo woo.

I was worried though. I hadn't heard from ez. "Hey Kayla? Is it okay if you drive me to ezras house? I need to see if he's okay." "Are you sure? I don't know if that's a good idea I heard his dad is ba" "Kayla drive me there you can wait in the car don't worry. I got this I just need to see if he's okay ive not heard from him"

Kayla nodded and turned on the radio and we left to his house. We arrived there and I said bye to Kayla and went to his front door. I took a deep breath. Here goes nothing. I knocked on his door. I remembered what Kayla said about him that they probably had sex.

Ezras pov.
That night.

Me and Evie got into the room upstairs and evie straddled my waist onto the bed and I kissed her deeply. I told Adrian I didn't want a drink becuase I was driving but oh well I had one anyway. I just won't tell Arabella. Evie deepened the kiss and then pulled away taking of my top and taking of hers.

She took a picture of us both together and smiled kissing my neck. She posted it on her instagram story but I knew what she was doing. She was just trying to make Arabella jealous and think I was using her. I'm not using Arabella. I've never felt like this over anyone before and I would never do that to her.

I pushed her off of me making her fall to the floor. "Stop messing with Arabella. I know what you were doing so you can fuck off." I said as I walked out of the room back downstairs to the group. Evie followed with her head down just on her phone. Pathetic.

"Where's Arabella we are leaving." I asked one of the girls that were sat there with Oliver. "She went upstairs with Adrian I think" she said. Oliver's eyes widened becuase he knew what was about to happen. "Thank you." I said and went upstairs. Evie was still following me and kept trying to say something but I didn't listen.

I banged on the door that I assumed Arabella was in. Well I was right. She opened it and her lipstick was smudged and she was standing close to adrian. Arabella tried saying something but I didn't take any of it in. I walked upto adrian and punched him in the face.

Arabella brought up Leo and laughed a little which was cute but then she saw evie and her smile faded. she narrowed her eyes and gave me a dirty look and went downstairs.

"Why did you follow me up here? Why are you following me?! Did you not understand the first time? I don't want you! I want Arabella!" I shouted at evie and left her before she could say anything.

Present day.
Arabellas pov

A tall man answered the door. It wasn't ezra. "Can I help you little girl?" I stopped myself from rolling my eyes becuase if I'm correct I think it's his dad and I don't wanna be slaughtered. "Yes. I'm here to see ezra? Is he home?"

" Didn't know ezra was capable of buying a hooker. But yes he's home I'll go get him." He slammed the door in my face. Wow his words hurt. Do I really look like a hooker? Whatever. Ezra liked it. But I don't. I was literally a virgin the other week how do I look like a hooker??

The door opened and I saw an emotionless looking ezra. He had a bruise on his cheek and a scar on his nose. "Ezra... what happened are you okay?" I went to hug him but he pushed me away.

"You shouldn't be here Arabella. I didn't text you for a reason." "Well then tell me the reason" I crossed my arms. "Im just busy. And I don't have time for you." He looked up and down at me and he looked disgusted.

Butterflies flew down my belly but not the nice kind. The kind where you wanna cry and also pewk. "Fine I'll leave." I said turning around in a hurry with tears in my eyes. I got into the car with Kayla. "What happened? Why are you crying babes what did he say?? I'll kill that twat" Kayla said as she went  to undo her belt. "No. Don't just let's go." She saw that I was gonna burst out crying so she just left without hesitation.

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