Unexpected protector and kissing in the forest

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By the time they arrived home, Mike had calmed down. His crying had turned into sniffles. The two boys walked out from the car and into the house. Mike was about to go into his room, but he had been stopped by Steve. "Wait. Mike. We need to talk"

"What's to talk about?"Mike asked without turning to face Steve.

"About what happened tonight"

"What happened today was that I was stupid. An asshole as how everyone put it"

"Mike. That's not true"

"Isn't it" Mike yelled as he turned to face Steve. "You know very well that I acted like an asshole with you as well. Since the day I meet you. And today. Today. Will kissed me and I froze like an idiot"

That's not what Steve expected to hear. While he was glad that Will had kissed Mike, proving to him that the boy likes him back and he would not be disgusted by him, he was also sad that Mike was thinking that he was an asshole because he froze when he had been unexpectedly kissed. Everyone has that reaction at some point. And yes, it may give the wrong signal when there are two boys or two girls, especially how homophobic people are here, but it was still a normal reaction.

"Mike. It was normal for you to freeze. He kissed you unexpectedly"

"Tell Will that. I hurt him again" Mike said and before Steve can say something else Mike rushed upstairs to his room. The door being slammed close echoed through the whole house. Steve sighed and he ran his hands through his hair. He doesn't know what to do. This was not his territory. Yes. He helps the kids when they get hurt, and gives them an advance when they ask for one. Or when they come to him with problems. Problems like a bad grade or a bully or small things like this. But this. Not only being responsible for an adolescent and helping him with his low self-esteem was too much for him. 


When they arrived home El and Will were the first ones who got out of the car. Will was still wrapped in El's arms. Jonathon was about to follow them but he was stopped by Argyle. "Wait. Leave the alone"

"What? No. My brother is upset and I want to know what happened"

"I know. But he already has El who would integrate him. If you go as well, you would overwhelm him and he would shut down. Let him to come to you when he's ready and comfortable"

"Dude. When did you get so wise?"

"I was always wise, my dude"

Will walked into his room, followed by El who looked worriedly at him. She was worried and scared. Will had come to her crying and when she asked him what happened he didn't tell her anything. "Will. Please. Tell me what's wrong"El pleaded. She wanted to know to make him feel better and protect him from the person to make him cry.

Will shook his head as he jumped in his bed and he buried his face in the pillow. 


"Because you would hate me"

"Will", El said as she kneeled in the bed, "Nothing that would say would make me hate you"

"I kissed Mike"Will blurted out. When El didn't say anything Will gained the courage to look up at her to see her surprised look. "El. I'm sorry. Please don't be mad"

El shook her head. "First. You don't need to apologize for anything. And second. Why should I be mad? Because you kissed Mike?" she asked and Will nodded. "Will. Me and Mike had broken up long ago. Before we all moved back to Hawkins. We are just friends. Plus. I saw how you looked at him. I knew that you like him"

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