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she's a little late but she's here: chapter eight my friends.

• • •

     "I assume you spoke with the lawyers," I started wanting to get this conversation over with.

     "I did. I'm sure you can forgive me for not talking to you sooner, but this has been quite a shock," Zara stated.

     "So shocking that you went on television to accuse me of elder abuse?"

     "Yes we'll that wouldn't happened if I had known about certain aspects of the will."

     "You mean the part where if you challenge the will, you get nothing at all."

     "Yes." She didn't say anything else, and I didn't have all day.

    I thought back to what Jameson had said, that everyone would want something from me at some point.  "What is it that you want?"

     "You inherited control of my family's foundation. It's one of the largest private charitable foundations in the country. We give upwards of 100 million dollars a year away."

      "Who does the money go to?"

     "The foundation invests in many things. Children, families, scientific advancement, community building, health initiatives, and the arts."

     I think the better question was who didn't they give their money to?

     "My life's work has been running this foundation," Zara continued. "Some organizations rely on our support. If you want to do this the right way, you're going to need me. As much as I'd like to be rid of you, I've done too much just to watch the foundation go to ruin."

     Well that was a little harsh. "You can work with the foundation still, but I want a say in the decisions."

     "Fine, if your serious with wanting a role in the foundation, meet there on Monday at 4 p.m."

•  •  •

     On Sunday, I met Alisa at the law firm to go over the Red Will.

     "This place is huge," I gawked as I walked through the chrome door. The firm was multiple floors. The lobby had a ceiling, two stories in height. Everything had a clean, modern look. Bright lights, marble tiles, chrome accents.

     "Mr. Hawthorne had a lot of assets," Alisa said as she watched me take everything in.

     Alisa led me up three flights of stairs; Oren following close behind, and into a room with a large desk in the middle. "It's right in there," she said gesturing for me to go through the door. "I'll leave you to it." She then walked out and closed the door behind her.

     I sat down at the desk and looked at the parchment in front of me. Red ink. I reached in my pocket and took out the red foil that had been found earlier. I put the foil over the will and watched as the words disappeared. I began scanning the entire will, nothing changing until I got toward the end. Only four words had appeared until the foil throughout the whole will.


     The boys middle names.

I texted Jameson. 'Meet me at midnight.'

• • •

I pushed open the door of the solarium at 12:00 a.m. sharp to see the third Hawthorne brother laying on the floor next to a bottle of bourbon. His head perked up when he heard the floorboard creak.

"So Heiress, you've seen the hidden message in the Red Will." He says up. "Enlighten me."

"It's you and your brothers' middle names."

"Huh..." We were silent for a moment. "Come with me."

"Where?" I questioned.

"To see my mother."

• • •

Jameson led me to the passage way in the coat closet where I had first seen Xander. I watched as he pressed and rotated the panels. Before I knew it the door swung open. He stepped in and pushed the coats out of the way to reveal a dark, narrow tunnel.

Jameson looked back to see I was still standing in the foyer, with an unsure look on my face. He reached out his hand. "Don't you trust me?" he whispered.

Yes. "Not in the slightest," I grinned, grabbing his hand.

We walked through the darkness for a few minutes before coming to a halt. Jameson was silent. He took a few steps back and turned to me. "Hold on." Just then he pulled a lever and wrapped his arm around me. He pulled me closer as the floor started to rumble. The curves of my body fit perfectly with his. Our faces were just inches apart. I looked up at him; I could feel breath on me.

I was snapped back to reality when the floor rotated, and I soon found myself in a regular hallway.

"You okay?" Jameson's face was mixture of concerned and amused. I cleared my throat slightly and smiled. "Let's go then."

He led me to the beginning of an ornate corridor. "This is Skye's wing," he informed me. "Skye," Jameson called out taking a few steps. "Skye?"

     "In here, dear."

     Jameson walked over to a frosted glass door. "Can I come in?"

     "Of course."

     "Am I going to be scarred for life?"

     "No, darling, I'm covered." With that he pushed open the door to reveal a bathroom. In the center of the bathroom was the biggest tub I'd ever seen. And in the tub was Skye.

     Jameson quickly slapped his hands over his eyes. I stood awkwardly in the doorway, looking anywhere but the tub. "You said you were covered," Jameson scoffed.

     "I am. The bubbles cover everything don't worry, darling." Her eyes moved from Jameson back to me. "What is it you need?" she turned her attention back to Jameson.

     Jameson didn't say anything. "Why are you hiding in the door?" Skye asked, her eyes now on me. "There's nothing to be afraid of. I'm friends with everyone who steals my birthright." She smiled.

     "Are you done?" Jameson finally spoke.

     "Sorry, dear. What was it you wanted?"

     "I want to know about my middle name. And my brothers' middle names."

     "Oh of course. So long as I get the pleasure to speak our guest in private." Skye added an emphasis to word the guest as if I'd be leaving soon.

     "Skye..." Jameson started.

     "No, it's fine, Jameson," I cut him off. Skye smiled once more.

     Jameson gave me a look of concern which I assuaged with a nod and a small smile. "I'll leave you to it," he said as he walked out and closed the door behind him.

A Ruthless Game | Grayson Hawthorne x readerWhere stories live. Discover now