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After some useless fighting with Alisa and three hours of hair and makeup, I was finally ready for the gala. I walked down to the car and reluctantly got in. There were four guards plus Oren, and Alisa already in the car. We drove off through the dark of the night to the venue.

     When we arrived, the sidewalk was once again crowded with reporters. I stepped out of the car and let my floor length gown flow to the bottom of my heels.

     "Y/n, look over here!"

     "What are your plans for the Hawthorne Foundation?"

"Is it true your mother was involved in a crime ring?"

"With everything that has happened to you today, how do you feel?" It seems the whole world knew about the attack today by now.

I looked at the reporter and smiled. "I'm grateful to be alive, and I'm grateful to be here tonight." With that, I walked in.

I stood at the top of stairs of the art museum where the event was held. When I walked in, all eyes were on me. As I stood at the top of the stairs in my (f/c), off the shoulder dress, one set of eyes stood apart from the rest. Grayson stood by the bottom of the stairs in tuxedo that made him look good, and he knew it. In his hand, he held a crystal glass of champagne.

     As I descended the stairs, our eyes remained fixed on each other. When I reached the bottom, Alisa ushered me over to the table that the Hawthornes were sitting at. I found the seat with my name tag and sat. After a few moments passed, everyone found their seats. Grayson found his next to mine. A few minutes later food was served, and everyone began eating.

     I could feel Grayson's gaze on me the entire meal.

     When dinner concluded, I excused myself and went to the restroom. I looked in the mirror. Just 24 hours ago when I looked in the mirror, I was covered in blood and dirt. Now, I'm standing in an art museum wearing a $1,000 dress and a pound of makeup and hair extensions. This isn't my life. This isn't me. I should be in New York right now working two jobs just to make ends meet. That's me. That's who I am.

     I don't belong here.

    "Y/n, you have to come back to the party now. People will wonder where you've been," Alisa said entering the bathroom.

     I took a deep breath and one last look in the mirror and followed Alisa to back to the party.

     Now that dinner was over, the dance floor had been opened. When I returned to the table, Grayson stood up and offered me his hand. "May I have this dance?"

     Across the table, I could see Aidan glaring, but I didn't care.

      I accepted Grayson's offer, and he led me to the dance floor. I tried placing my hand on his shoulder but winced in pain. He carefully grabbed my hand and put it on his shoulder for me. Then, he placed his right hand on the small of my back, and his free grabbed mine. The music began, and he pulled me in close as we began to dance.

"You're captivating in that dress," he whispered in my ear.

"Thank you," I blushed. "You're not too bad yourself," I teased. We moved around the floor so swift and smooth. "You've been avoiding me," I started.

"No, I haven't," Grayson defended. I gave him a look that said 'yeah right'. He sighed. "Fine, I have been avoiding you, but it's because of me not you."

"Don't give me all that 'it's not you, it's me' bullshit"

Grayson was silent for a moment, contemplating what to say next. "I know Hawthornes. I know what we do. I can't let myself get close to you."

A Ruthless Game | Grayson Hawthorne x readerWhere stories live. Discover now