20 (The Finale Pt. 2)

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     "Skye?" I called out in disbelief.

     "Please believe, it was never personal. I never wanted you to get hurt, but it's just- it's what Emily would have wanted. She would have hated you. That you came here. Took their money. She would have hated the way those boys look at you. She would have hated it all."

     "Enough about Emily. She is gone, Rebecca," I said sharply. "You don't have to worry about what she would or wouldn't have wanted."

     "I'm sorry, y/n," she cried. "I should have told someone, but—"

     "Yes," a voice called from above. "You should have." It was Grayson. "You should have told me, Bex. I would've taken care of it."

"But, it's what she would have wanted. I owe this to her."

"Emily's gone," Grayson stated. "Go," he told her. "I'll handle this." Rebecca retreated down the hall, and Grayson climbed down the ladder. "Xander said you needed me."

     "Your mother tried to have me killed," I said from the corner.

     "My mother is a... complicated woman, but she is family."

     "And you would continue to choose her,"'I stated. "Not that I need it, but you said you would protect me, Grayson. I could be dead right now, and you would still defend your mother."

      "If I asked you to let me handle this, would you?" Grayson asked.

      "Something tells me your idea of 'handling it' doesn't involve giving your mother over to the police."

     "What if I played you for it?"

     I thought for a moment. "Fine. What game?"

     "You think of a number one through ten. All I have to do is guess it."

     "How do you know I won't lie?"

     "I trust you," he told me. I knew by the way Grayson looked at me when he said it that he meant it.

      I took a minute to think of my number then nodded. Grayson examined me for a moment then stepped closer to me.

     "Two," he guessed.

      I nodded slowly. "Good guess."

      "Why two might I ask?"

      I took a moment to respond, slightly embarrassed by my reasoning. "Two is the number of weeks that have passed since I first met you. Back in New York. It seems so long ago now." Grayson let out a slight chuckle.

     "Please let me make this right," he begged. Grayson stepped closer to me. "Y/n, I won't let anything happen to again. I promise."

     Why did his promise hurt so bad?

Footsteps above us interrupted our conversation. Xander and Nash climbed down the ladder.

"Where's Jameson?" I asked.

"He used some very colorful language when turning me away," Xander answered.

"He'll be here any minute," Nash stated.

"We might as well open our locks while we wait," Xander stated. The three boys walked over to their respective touchpads and placed their hands on the screen. The sweet sound of deadbolts unlocking followed.

We waited another 20 minutes then finally Grayson spoke. "Jameson's not coming."

"He'll be here," Nash assured us.

A Ruthless Game | Grayson Hawthorne x readerWhere stories live. Discover now