19 (The Finale Pt. 1)

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Back at the house, I started making my way back to my room, pausing on the top step. I turned to my left and stared at a portrait of Tobias Hawthorne.

"Why?" I asked aloud. "Why me? Is it really just because of my birthday?"

I needed answers, and the one person who give them to me was gone.

I examined the painting. Tobias' eyes were the same gray as Grayson. His hair was neatly styled. The painting sat in an ornate frame with a small signature in the bottom right corner.

Tobias Hawthorne X. X VIII

I stared at it.


10 18

... code

     I reached out to the painting. I frantically searched it, feeling around for a button, a lever, anything. Finally, I found a button on the underside of the frame. Upon pressing it, the painting swung forward, like a door, and revealed a keypad behind it.

     1018, I typed.

The stair suddenly rose beneath my feet to reveal a hidden compartment. I bent down and reached inside. Hidden in the compartment was a octagonal piece of purple-stained glass with a small piece of silver ribbon tied at the top. I searched the rest of the compartment looking for anything else. All I found was an inscription that read:

Tip of the clock
Meet me at high
Tell the late day hello
Wish the morning good-bye
A twist and a flip
What do you see?
Take them two at a time
And come find me

     I didn't know what this riddle meant, but I did know one thing for sure. The game wasn't over yet.

•  •  •

     The next morning, I went out in search of the Hawthorne brothers. I found Jameson shirtless and intoxicated in the solarium.

      "Jameson," I called to him. He made no indication that he heard me. "I found something. I don't think October 18th is the answer but just another clue. Here, look."

      Without turning to look at me, he said, "Put it with the rest," and motioned to a trash can in the corner. The can was filled with similar pieces of glass. "This place is filled with 10s and 18s." He finally looked at me. "This is the answer, y/n, and I'm done playing."

•  •  •

     I wouldn't let Jameson's sour mood ruin my search. I recited the riddle in my head.

     Top of the clock...What's at the top?...Meet me at high

     I strained to connect all these things together, until finally, it clicked.

     High noon.

     The first part of the riddle had been a breeze, but the second part...

      Right when I was beginning to get down on my luck, Xander appeared out of nowhere.

     "Why the long face?" he asked.

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