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     This is so weird. I'm alone. With naked Skye Hawthorne. What a lovely evening this has turned out to be... someone please end my misery.

     Skye let out a long breath. She seemed perfectly comfortable in this situation. "I forgive you, my dear," she finally spoke.

     "Thanks... I guess."

     "My forgiveness comes at a cost, of course." Great. "You will continue to support me. Finically, I mean."

     "Yeah, I gathered that." I rolled my eyes. "And what if I don't?" She was silent. "Fine. If you're not going to help Jameson and I than I'm leaving."

     "Stay away from him."

     "Excuse me?" I scoffed.

     "He's a grieving boy; he doesn't need you making his pain any worse." She sighed. "Jameson is a special boy. I don't need you ruining him, just like my father did with Toby."

     That last sentence caught my attention. "What happened to him? To Toby?"

     "My father happened; that's what. He spoiled Toby. You know, Jameson was always my father's favorite. Not Grayson, like you might expect. Toby and Jameson were so similar. And just like Toby, Jameson has always loved getting lost. Believe when I say that's all you are to him. A way of getting lost."

"Enough of this. Answer my question. How did your sons get their middle names?"

Skye sighed. "You're no fun." Silence.

I started to grow impatient. "You seem to forget that I control Tobias' fortune now, and I don't have to give you any of it."

"Fine. If you really must know, I didn't pick their middle names. Tobias did."

• • •

"What'd she say?" Jameson was standing like an eager puppy dog on the other side of the door.

"Your grandfather picked your middle name."

"Huh. He picked our names. He highlighted them in the will. Why? It has to mean something. Maybe he knew our fathers."

"What do you think it could mean?"

"I- I don't know." I could see he was searching for answers. Wrapping his brain to try to make it all make sense. "Give me a few hours then meet me in foyer. I have an idea."

       "Okay. I need some time to think anyway," I sighed. With that, I leave Jameson standing there outside the bathroom door.

•  •  •

     I bend down and dip my fingers in the water. It's the perfect temperature. I unwrap the towel from my body and dive in the pool. I decided swimming would be the perfect way to clear my mind. I kick my feet out from under me and allow myself to float in the warm water.

     I just lay there staring at the clouds. It's so peaceful. Just me and the sky. For a brief moment, I'm free. I finally forget that my life has been completely upturned. That I'm now a public figure. A billionaire. That I now have more enemies than I can count on one hand.

      Like I said it was brief.

     Just then, I hear footsteps approaching. I lift my head slightly to see who it is. Grayson. He's in a t-shirt and swim trunks with a towel draped over his shoulder. He walks over to one of the chairs and places the towel on it. My lips part slightly as I watch him. The muscles in his back flexing as he takes off his shirt.

      Grayson is about to dive in when he catches me staring. His whole body tenses. I can tell he doesn't want me there.

     "I can go if you'd like," I squeak.

      His eyes cool, gray eyes meet mine, and his body stiffens. "Don't." I shoot him a look of confusion. "Leave or don't...is all I mean," he stammers. "As long as you're not hurting my family, I could care less what you do, Ms. Pierce." He finally dives in.

"Contrary to popular belief," I start as he resurfaces. "I'm truly not out to get anyone or anything for that matter. I'm just as confused as everyone else."

Grayson swims closer to me; the muscles in his back contracting with each stroke. "Is that so?" He's close now. Closer than I'd like a Hawthorne to be.


      "Hm." He's still swimming closer. He's a foot away when he stops. "I don't believe you," he whispers.

      He's so close now that I can feel his breath on my skin. I shouldn't be here. Alone with Grayson Hawthorne. "This is a bad idea," I tell myself. But I don't want to leave. I look up at Grayson. His blond hair had been darken in the water. His eyes. His tan skin. His muscles.

      No. I have to leave. Finally, I snap out of my trance and swim to the ladder. I collect my things and practically run out of there. I have to distance myself from the Hawthorne brothers. They're no good.

      I look back to see Grayson standing in the same spot in the pool with a slight smirk on his face.

• • •

I cut through the foyer on my way back to my room.

"So you finally decided to show up, Mystery Girl," Jameson spoke from the dark. I looked up to see him leaning against an ornate, stone column. "Did you have fun blowing me off for Grayson?"


"No, it's fine. I get it. I mean, who wouldn't want some of that?"


      "It's okay. It's okay. He can help solve the puzzle or whatever. I- I don't care," Jameson stuttered.

      "Are you drunk?"

      "No." Yes. "Let's just go finish the puzzle."

       "How about we do that in the morning. When you're sober."

      "Oh, come on. I was gonna take us down to the race track. Have a little fun, you know?"

      "You're out your mind if you think I'm getting in a car with you right now," I scoffed.

"But, Heiress," Jameson whined.

"That's enough, Jamie," Grayson called from the shadows. He was fully clothed now, wearing a white button down and dress pants.

"Oh here comes Grayson. Ready to save the day," Jameson mocked.

"Y/n isn't a replacement for her, Jamie."

"Really? You're gonna bring her up right now. You have no right!" Jameson was yelling at this point. Face red. Eyes crazed. "Especially not since you killed her."

Grayson was silent for a moment. "Go to bed, Jameson." His voice was low and filled with sorrow. Jameson's words had taken a toll on him.

Grayson and Jameson both left in opposite directions, and I was all alone once again.

A Ruthless Game | Grayson Hawthorne x readerWhere stories live. Discover now