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Thea was already when the black SUV when I arrived. "Hey, girlie," she greeted, a large smile on her face. I didn't completely trust Thea, so I recognized her facade.

Oren took the drivers seat. Another security guard took the passenger seat, and Alisa and two other guards took the back row. This left Thea and me in the middle row.

"We have some stuff to chat about on the way over," Thea smiled as the car pulled away.

"Oh yeah? What's that?" I questioned.

"For starters, Rebecca."

"What about her?" Rebecca was at the cottage last night. She knew about the shooting.

"I know what it looks like when she's been crying all night, and it's not pretty. So what happened last night? Other than your little make out session with Grayson."


"Did you think I wouldn't find out about? I'm sure everyone in that house knows by now." Including Jameson.

"It's really none of your business," I snapped.

Thea put her hands up in surrender. "You're right," she paused. "I just think it's a little odd you've barely been here a week, and you've already moved in on Emily's leftovers."

"Excuse me?!"

"But, you're right. It's none of my business," she said coldly. "Don't say I didn't warn you, though. The Hawthorne boys will destroy you."

Before I could say anything, the car came to a stop. I looked out the window to see a group of reporters and flashing cameras all camped outside the boutique. I turned to face Alisa. "Do I really have to do this? I have plenty of clothes back at the house," I whined.

"Yes. Now get out of the car," Alisa smiled sarcastically.

Oren rounded the car and opened the door for me. Suddenly, the roar of all the reporters hit me. I stepped, and Thea followed close behind. "Smile pretty," she whispered putting on her fakest smile.

"Over here, miss!"


"How do you feel about your new fortune?"

"Did you seduce the late Tobias Hawthorne to get his fortune?"

Did I what?!

Oren quickly ushered me in the building.

When we walked in, there were no other costumers. The whole place had been closed down for us. Intricate, crystal chandeliers hung from the high ceilings. The racks looked like they were more for decoration than actually shopping.

A worker came out from the back. "Hello! Welcome in, welcome in! We're so happy to have you shopping with us," she smiled. "Shall we get started?"

"We shall," Thea smiled next to me. Placing a hand on my shoulder, she looked at the sales associate. "Something emerald green for my friend here. Preferably silk, please."

Something in her tone made me uneasy.

The worker returned a few moments later with a dress that looked like the modern version of the dress from Atonement. While it was a beautiful dress, it would not cover my bullet wound at all.

"Do you think we could do something off the shoulder?" I looked over at Alisa, who nodded.

While the woman looked for an off the shoulder dress, Alisa walked over to a rack and pulled off a coral, organza monstrosity that looked a pastry. Without meaning to, I gave a look of absolute disgust to which Alisa reluctantly put the dress back.

Luckily, the sales associate returned before Alisa could suggest anymore dresses. In her hand, she held the most beautiful dress I'd ever seen. I took it to the back to try on. When I walked out of the changing room, everyone looked at me in awe.

"This is the one," I smiled.

• • •

"Everyone buckled?" Oren asked, looking at us in the rear view mirror. Thea and I nodded, and Oren pulled away.

"Have you thought about your hair?" Thea asked me.

"Constantly," I lied. "It's all I've been thinking about recently."

"And here I thought you only thought about the Hawthorne boys." Thea paused. "I know you didn't want me hear today, but just remember... I'm doing exactly what Emily would have done."

Suddenly, the car swerved. I looked to the front of the car. Both Oren and the guard in the passenger seat had their hands on their guns.

Something was so very wrong.

"Everyone, hold on," Oren called from the front. The car continued to swerve.

"Oren...what's going on?" I asked from the back. I looked out my window just in time to see a car aiming full speed for the side of SUV.

The fear grew inside of me. This can't be happening right now. Not so soon. Please. I- I can't take much more.

The car crashed into us, but Oren was able to keep us moving. He swerved over the median and drove us in the opposite direction. I looked out the back window to see the attacker's car surrounded by cops.

"What the hell was that?" I yelled.

"That," Oren said calmly from the front seat. "Was someone taking the bait."

This took a moment for me to digest before I could say anything. "You used me as...bait," I said slowly. "After everything that has happened in the past 48 hours, you thought it would be a good idea to put in harms away again."

"Y/n, listen," Alisa started from the back. "We just needed to drag the attacker out from the shadows. We caught him now. You're safe."

"I don't want to hear it. Take me home," I ordered.

• • •

When we finally arrived back, I ran to my room only to find my hair and makeup team waiting for me there. I turned around to see Alisa behind me.

"I'm not going," I said plainly. "Not after everything you put me through today."

"Yes, you are."

A Ruthless Game | Grayson Hawthorne x readerWhere stories live. Discover now