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     Eight. Infinity. Which one? These thoughts occupied my head as I returned to my room. The walk back was cold and quiet. I had left Jameson in the foyer.

     This whole thing was crazy. A few days ago, I was just some random girl living in New York with her brother, but now...everything has changed.

     Turning the corner to my wing, I stopped short when I saw movement down the hall. I slowed.

     "Who's there?" I called.

     Just then Grayson crept out of the shadows. "Ms. Pierce."

     "You scared me. What are you doing here?"

     "Couldn't sleep."

     "So you went for a walk near my room...?" I took a step back and analyzed him. His blonde hair was messy. The sleeves on his white button-down were rolled up. And he was slouched slightly. "You're drunk."

He looked at me and chuckled. "Maybe a little tipsy."

"That's uncharacteristic. I thought you were supposed to be the stuck up and responsible Hawthorne."

     "Is that really your impression of me?"


     "Not in the least bit. I like being stuck up and responsible," he said sarcastically.

     "Actually, I think unpleasant is a better word to describe you."

He chuckled dryly. "Very funny." Grayson leaned against the wall and put his hands in his pockets. I shouldn't be alone with Grayson Hawthorne. Especially a tipsy Grayson Hawthorne.

     "So..." I started awkwardly.

     Grayson looked at me and smiled slightly. His gray eyes glistened in the pale moonlight streaming in from the window. "Can I show you something?"

     Yes. "I don't think that's a good idea." But then again, life's no fun if you live by the rules. "Actually...never mind. Let's go."

     He pushed himself off the wall and looked up at me grinning like a devil.

•  •  •

     Grayson led me out of the house and toward Blackwood Forest. I could feel Oren's presence a few yards behind me. I'm safe with Grayson, right?

     A wave of regret flooded me. What am I doing? For all I know Grayson could leading me out here to kill me and take back his fortune.

     "What are we doing out here?" I asked once we deep inside the woods.

     "I know the clues are based off our middle names, and I know you and Jamie just found the clue on the bridge, so I'm helping you find the clue in Blackwood," Grayson explained.


     "Because, Ms. Pierce, I know my grandfather, and as silly as I think it is for Jameson to be pursuing it, a puzzle is exactly the thing the old man would do."

     "But why help me? Why not just figure it out yourself?"

     "Blackwood is a large forest; I don't have the time or patience to search the whole thing by myself."

     "Why not ask Jamie to help you?"

     "Couldn't find him, and besides, I'd like to keep my eyes on you."


     "Must you ask so many questions, Ms. Pierce." I snapped my mouth shut and glared at him.

We searched the woods for about an hour. "What exactly are we looking for?" I scoffed.

"An engraving. Paint. Anything out of the ordinary."

"What if we pick this up later," I glanced down at my watch. "It's getting late."

Grayson sighed and ran his fingers through his hair. "I suppose you're right. This way back to the House." Just then a twig snapped a few yards to our left. "Stop walking," Grayson whispered, concern in his tone.

"It's probably just an animal or something," I said continuing on. Just then another twig snapped; this time it was closer to us.

"Shhh," Grayson scolded. Another twig. We were now standing side silently beside each other.

Another twig.

"Gray-" I started. In one fluid motion, Grayson put his right hand over my mouth and used his left to push my back against a tree. He then held his finger over his mouth, signaling for me to be quiet. I could feel Oren's presence growing closer. Something isn't right. Suddenly, I saw a flash of movement behind Grayson's shoulder. Fear washed over my face.

We stood silently for a few minutes, unmoving. Finally, Grayson took his hand off my mouth and backed away. "Are you okay, y/n?"

"Just peachy."

"Oren," Grayson called out. Oren stepped out from behind a tree, hand on his gun holster. "Do a sweep of the perimeter. I'll escort Ms. Pierce back inside."

•  •  •

     After the events of last night, I couldn't sleep much. I begged the sun to rise above the horizon, so I can get on with my day. Finally, the morning came.

     "Good morning, miss." A young woman dressed in housekeeping attire walked into my room carrying a tray of breakfast foods. I didn't recognize her. "My name is Mellie."

     "Where's Lana at?" I questioned. Lana was the worker who usually brought me breakfast and cleaned my room for me.

     "Oh, Lana is a bit...under the weather. She won't be joining us anytime soon. I'll be looking after you in her absence," she smiled.

     What the hell is going on?

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