The Fire

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Aaryawati's (Veerti's )POV

As soon as I reached inside my tent, I felt silent chaos of frustration. While I was content seeing my love, full of health and life, I couldn't reveal my true identity. As much as I desired to kiss those luscious lips and hug him tight, I knew I controlling my emotion was the only path I needed to embark upon.

As if sensing the desperate loneliness that engulfed me, Aaryaveer sent his messenger to relieve me of the torturous solitude. He had asked me to share the lunch with his army and simultaneously, introduce me with his important men. Though I had never met any of them personally, knew most of them anyway as Aaryaveer had a habit of talking about his men.

"This is Nakuldev. He is an expert swordsman and the best person to understand the horses." Said Aaryaveer as he introduced me with a young man with considerable muscles and chiseled features. I bowed lightly in front of him and introduced myself.

"I saw your horse. I must say he is unique. Its rare to have such an agile horse. He seems to be fond of you." complimented Nakul and I just muttered thanks.

"This is Harisen ji. He is our most experienced war strategist. He can create the most deadly formations." Said Aaryaveer as he introduced me with an experienced man. I knew him the moment I saw him. He was a kind of mentor of Aaryaveer. So technically he was my mentor too. I touched his feet. He blessed me. While all this was happening, I saw Aaryaveer looking at me with his utmost focus. I felt subconscious and realized that I needed to be more confident.

I straightened myself and accompanied Aaryaveer to a tent to meet his expert of arms and ammunitions.

"This is Brahamadutt. He is responsible for designing our arms and ammunition." He said while Brahamadutt showed his new prototypes and how excited he was to try them for real.

"Last but not the least, I want you to meet the Chief Commander of my Army. By ranks, he is next to me." Said Aaryaveer as we came out of Brahamadutt's den.

We went to the place where the fire was lit and my soldiers, along with his were having their food together. I could see them easily gel with each other. A tall man with an impressive built and a huge grin advanced to our direction.

"Meet Utsav, our Commander In Chief of the army." Said Aaryaveer as he gave a side hug to his close friend. Utsav and Aaryaveer had studied in the Gurukul together as were batchmates in the army training. Utsav was a celebrated war hero of our Kingdom. I wondered if he would be suitable for my bestfriend Sejalbai's alliance.However, if I could get an opportunity, I could probe about him when I would be alone. And then I rebuked my head to focus. I had taken all the pain to disguise myself, speak a few dangerous lies to save my husband amidst a dangerous war. No time for matrimonial pursuits for Sejalbai.

I hurriedly command my army and introduce them to Aaryaveer. Each of them were expert in guerilla warfare and were expert swordsman and horse riders. We saw Utsav, coming into our direction.

"Veerti ji, I think you should join your army for the lunch. Meanwhile I would like to have a word with Utsav." said Aaryaveer as Utsav joined us. As soon as I left them alone, I could still hear Aaryaveer asking Utsav what he thought about my army and me in particular.

"I just met her men. Their body language or speech doesn't resemble to the people of our kingdom." He said. "Though Veerti ji's mannerisms resembled to the women of our kingdom." I heard Aaryaveer saying.

"They seem to be loyal folks. Otherwise they wouldn't have courage to surrender their weapons the moment we met them. However, I am still doubtful of their caliber. I mean, I wonder if we can use them in the war." said Utsavji.

"What do you suggest we should do?" asked Aaryaveer. Though my retreating back was facing them, I could imagine Aaryaveer starching his chin, with advent of any complexity.

"You don't need to do anything, Your Majesty. I shall test the skills of Veerti ji and her men. I need to see their acumen." I heard Utsav.

I couldn't hear anything much as I had walked a little more. My parents had provided me with the finest people from her army. I was ready to go through any test to prove myself.

As I reached to the place where the food was being served, my armymen acknowledged my presence. Brahamadutta joined me too. We all ate food in comfortable silence until overexcited Brahamadutta boosted about his latest prototype and we all gave him our polite attention.

. Later, Aaryaveer and Utsav joined us as I was midway from finishing my lunch.

"I apologize for the delay, Brahamadutt, especially on behalf of His Majesty." chuckled Utsav in a good natured way. "He had been writing letters to his wife, but alas, we have no one to send them." His face broke into a boyish grin. Aaryaveer blushed and it was an adorable sight to watch my husband turning beet red on the mere mention of my name. However I pretended to look only at my plate, uninterested at the conversation unfolding in my presence.

"I shall give them to her after the war." Aaryaveer blushed deeper. I tried hard not to blush, only to realize that my face was fully covered so there was no harm in getting a shade pink.

"What about the messenger pigeons or eagles?" Brahamadutt couldn't hide his curiosity. I wondered if Aaryaveer knew that I was "supposedly" pregnant and staying at my parents' home.

"Harisenji has ordered to use them only for the emergency crises." laughed Utsav. Aaryaveer excused himself and Utsav muttered something about Aaryaveer placing those letters in his small leather trunk inside his tent. An evil thought came up in my head. What if I somehow sneak inside Aaryaveer's den and read his letters? I shall put them back and no one would ever know.

I was forming a successful plan to sneak inside Aaryaveer's tent until Utsav suddenly addressed me "Veertiji, we are conducting mock drill tonight to induct our soldiers into appropriate positions, as per their merits. His Majesty, has requested your presence, along with your men." Said Utsav as his tone turned more formal and respectful.

And at that moment, I knew that tonight, they would take my exam. And I was ready to prove with every drop of blood that I was the daughter of a warrior. And that would never change.

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