The amends

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Aaryawati's POV

"What do you propose?"  I couldn't help but stop my horse and ask him while all the army men continued to March forward.

We had started towards our base camp early in the morning and though everything seemed normal, I was hardly talking with Veer. He was lost into his own thoughts and I was in no mood to shake the things up.

As soon as I had got up in the morning, all I could think of the events that had transpired between us the previous. I had to console my panicked mind that what's the worst that could happen? My husband would leave me? Or spread my truth to everyone? It would be fine. Atleast I would be able to save my husband and my kingdom!

Even though I tried my best to act like the least bothered person during the entire journey, every step, every hiccup or every action of Veer had my full attention. For some reason, I felt like reading his body language would aid me to know his state of mind. But Damn, I was wrong. He was a master in manipulating his body language and expressions! Who was I to read him?

Our ride was a little bit tricky too because there were times when we had to stop for food or water break. At that time, I couldn't directly ask him to do so and I had to ask one of my men to send him the message. I wonder if my soldiers would have doubted if something was doing up between two of us. Thank God, his friends didn't grace us with their company else it would have gotten super awkward. Thinking of friends, I thought of Utsav. He was perfectly handsome. So strong, yet such a good natured war hero! A perfect gentleman for my bestie Sejalbai! However I wondered if Utsav had any lover or particular girl in his mind. I would ask him eventually when we meet the next time.

"What are you thinking?" My hands automatically halted the horse as my ears heard his familiar voice. Yes, the same voice that had made my days and nights beautiful for the previous three years.

"Nothing that important." My eyes couldn't feign the surprise of him suddenly being all vocal around me.

"Actually, I have a proposal." He said in a bit lower voice.

"What do you propose?" I said as I worked on the reins of the horse to stop it.

He watched the army marching ahead and once they were far from the earshot, he spoke up in a normal decibel level
"I think that you are a completely different person than what I had thought. Now I feel like I don't know you anymore."

I nodded my head and understood his dilemma. I had sculpted a whole new image in front of everyone in the kingdom. No wonder he felt betrayed.

"Listen... I agree that I am a different person than what I seemed to, but I LOVE you. And it's the fact that won't change, no matter whether we are together or not. Or no matter how many disguises or lies I assume to.. that's something that will always be permanent till my death." I told him, giving him a full fledged eye contact. And it was the truth.

"I understand you might want to do away with me... or you want to remarry. I completely will accept..."  he cut me in between.

"Wait wait wait please wait Aarya! This is not what I want. I want YOU. I always wanted YOU. That's the reason I never married anyone else. However it was very difficult for me to accept the truth as my doubts came into life last night. My whole night went into tossing and turning... wondering why did you reciprocate my love with so many lies? Wondering why you did what you did? Then I realised that you never tried to hurt me. You always loved me! You even risked everything just because you can accompany me in the battleground and save my life! I was so confused whole night until now.... "

He then took a deep breath.

"I propose to you to bare all your secrets into my soul. This time, you will not go into hiding, instead show me your TRUE self. Your actual soul so that I can fall in love with you.. AGAIN. Be what your are and promise me, I will try my best to fall for the real Aaryawati."

As soon as the words came out of his mouth, I hugged him and sealed the proposal with a kiss... I thanked my God for providing me such a supportive husband.

While I was excited, looking forward to the new lease of our married life, I wasn't sure if Veer would be able to withstand in the future! Besides with the upcoming war, whatever moments I had with Veer were precious. I wanted to be with him, who knows what would happen with our lives the next moment?

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