Very pretty

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Atlas's POV

"Dude, you look hotter than me, its not fair!"

I lift my head up from my phone, and look at Oliver, walking in the dorm, all dressed.

I shake my head at him and turn my attention back to the phone.

Today, we're going out, as Oliver and Lily planned.

We had to wear the same thing that we wore at the event, expect the girls will wear their after party dress.

Im wearing the same thing, expect this time, I'm wearing the white button up, leaving a few buttons, unbuttoned. The sleeves are rolled up to my elbow, with black pants.

I'm wearing airforces, rings, chains, earrings.

Its 7PM, and we planned to sneak out after school dinner, which ends in about fifteen minutes.

The girls are still getting ready, so all the guys are scattered around my dorm.

I watch as Oliver walks, and sits next to me, bumping fists next to me.

"You look happy today." I mumble.

He grins, and nods. "Obviously, we're going out today."

"Its pathetic." Isaac says.

"Stop man-spreading, you're taking the whole couch for yourself." Oliver says.

I look down, and sure enough, my legs are wide open, and im definitely not taking the whole couch.

"Its my couch, dumbass. Go sit in the other couch." I say.

"Shithead." He mutters, before sitting somewhere else.

Soon, the girls walk in, and my eyes immediately to to Anastasia, who's laughing at something Mavis said.

God, she looks so fucking gorgeous.

Her eyes find mine, and she blushes.

My eyes trail to her dress. Its rose gold, silk, up to her mid- thighs, with thin straps.

She's wearing airforces. Her hair is down. She's wearing her necklace, and few rings.

She looks very pretty.

I watch as she walks over to me, and smiles.

"You look very, very beautiful." I say, putting my hands on her waist.

She blushes. "Thank you." She says quietly.

I kiss her cheek, and was about to go for her lips, until Oliver shouts.

"Okay, lovebirds, you can do that later! Let's go!"

I groan, and grab Anastasia's hand, before we all walk out of the dorm, walking to the lobby.

Making sure nobody is there, we sneak to the front gate, jump the walls, and find our respective cars.

I get in my car, not before opening the door for Anastasia.

Anastasia turns on the music, then grins at me.

Oliver enters the car and groans.

"I cant believe I have to third wheel in here. Unbelievable!" He says.

Anastasia laughs. "The others didn't want you?"

He nods, rolling his eyes.

I drive out of the parking lot, and drive to the location.

Its in Time Square, so its a long drive.

"Shit, I forgot my clothes." Anastasia mutters, and I look at her.

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