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I need you guys to read this, just to know about the new book, and what happened to the characters! :)

God, its so weird, starting a chapter without 'Anastasia's POV or Atlas's POV.'

But, things come to an end. Sometimes, good things, and sometimes bad things.

Honestly, writing this story, was a big part of my life, and I can't believe its over.

Writing has always been something I loved doing, so now that I've finished with this story, I'll probably have another story in line, waiting to be published.

'Darling', wasn't ever supposed to be published.

My last story 'Always and Forever', was shit. A child's story, really. I hated it.

I thought that I didn't have the ability to write, so I wrote tons and tons of chapters, just as drafts.

One day, I published the first ever chapter.

The next day I woke up, I had no reads, then day after day, I got a shit ton of reads.

The day I got my first reader, I wrote maybe 5 chapters, and published one only.

I didn't think I could publish so many chapters at a time, so I wrote tons and published 1 or 2 sometimes.

Like right now? I'm already done with the Epilogue and thank you's when really i have 20 chapters sleeping in my drafts.

The idea of this story, Boarding schools and stuff like that, came one day, when I was sleeping.

It just came, really.

Now, many of the characters in the story, we don't know what happened to them.

Here's what happened to them, though. :)

Oliver, got married. To who? Zeke. :)
(I'll be writing a bonus chapter on that, on his perspective!)

Lily and Issac got together! Ill be writing a bonus chapter on Lily's perspective too.

Chase and Mavis got together too. These two were meant to be together from the start.

Elodie found someone too. Skylar, a girl she met in college.

Alexander( for some reason I just said that in my brain in an Italian accent) found someone as well. Rosa! Got married and kids too. Sky didn't last, they had no potential.

Each and everyone of them got kids, of course. They all stuck together till they died.

Even after marriage, and shit, they all moved into the same neighbourhood and were basically living together.

Even their kids became besties. They had their own little friend group.

This story shows not only the development of Atlas's and Anastasia's romance, but the reality of famous people, problems with families, and friendship.

If you ever see my story in any type of social medias (tik tok) tag me, please! Id love to see it. My user is yourmom_likezme.

I just want to let you know that you aren't alone.

If you have questions, let me know! Here's some answers to your questions though. :)


Why the name 'Blue Ridge'?
- Well, honestly? No idea. I suppose, Blue Ridge sounded so modern back then.

Did i plan anything before writing?
- No, not at all. All I planned was the name of the school. Sometimes I would write, and things randomly popped up in my head, so I'd have to erase the whole chapter and start again.

How did I find my names and covers?
- the names came come the physical books I've read, and some last names from Pinterest. (Tysm Pinterest, no idea what I would've done without you.)

The cover picture from Pinterest again, and then I designed in using the app 'Canvas'. It was very helpful. If you're writing a story, try that app for the cover.

Big thank you to Google and Pinterest, lmao.

Pinterest, for the outfit ideas, name ideas. It gave me a picture of how I imagined the school and places.

Google, for the words and knowledge I lack in my brain. Sometimes, id lose my braincells in the middle of a chapter, and forget a word. You should see my Google search.

Questions for you. :)

- How did you find my story?
- Did you ever hate the characters or names?
- Do you like this story?
- Do you think I could write more?
- Was there ever a time where you wanted to change something in the story?


Okay, so. Now that I'm finished with this story, I'm thinking of publishing another one. Maybe my last one...

I've got 2 ideas. Let me know which one you prefer, PLEASE.

- A girl and a boy, academic rivals since they were kids, but their parents are best friends. At a young age, the girl moved away since her father got a new job. Now, she's back. Before college starts, both the boy's and girl's parents decide to stay at a hotel for a week for vacation. They have to stay together for a week now. Then, after the vacation, the girl goes to college, but then finds out the boy goes to the same college. Worse, they live across the hall from eachother.

- A girl and a boy who are known as the perfect couple. That's what everyone thought so, until the guy fell sick. He's basically on his death bed now. I'm basically going to take you guys along their relationship, and how their relationship isn't perfect. Of course, its a sad ending. (I'm sorry!)

Obviously, I'm liking the first one more, but you guys' opinion matter more. Let me know! :)

(Update: im doing the first one! Lots of you guys messaged me, voting for the first one. Go check it out! Its called 'Antagonists'.)

Once again, thank you. I love you all, and ill miss this.

A <3

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