Knocked her off her feet (Literally)

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~Phone mode on~ "Mr.Ward there seems to be a problem with the Korea deal," My assistant Sean informed me. I have two assistants Sean and Guss, my brother Josh hired them for me since he didn't want any possible legal problems with a female assistant. I don't really care since Sean and Guss do their work effectively, I speed through traffic in my brand new off the lot black Maserati. Call me a jerk but I needed this deal with Korea to go through and if it means cutting off a bunch of people in traffic then I'll do it, I pull up to the entrance of my building and throw my keys to the valet. Tossing open the doors I make a bee line to the elevators, there was some girl who was walking towards the door but unfortunately for her she was in my way. I shoved her out of my way before jumping on my private elevator and hitting the top floor, while I was waiting for the doors to close I looked at the woman I shoved just to make sure it wasn't my mother or aunt. Luckily it wasn't either but she was still sitting on the floor stunned, just as Paul went to help her up the doors closed me in and the elevator began to go up.

I felt slightly guilty for knocking her over and not even saying sorry, but if this deal with Korea falls through that's a loss of 6 million dollars. When I got up to my office I ignored my brother Josh who was trying to flag me down and quickly sat down and dialed the CEO in Korea, a few minutes later I found out the problem was just a minor misunderstanding. I hung up the phone relieved that we hadn't lost the deal, just as I was about to close my eyes Josh burst into my office. "Adam you won't believe it!" I sat up and got ready to listen to what I could already tell was going to be a long story, "so someone applied to be my PA!" I gave him a bored look, "and? Its not like you hit the lottery." He rolled his eyes and grinned like an idiot, "no I didn't hit the lottery, but she's super pretty, funny, smart, and sweet!" I became interested when he said she, "so what does she look like?" Josh knows I've never stayed with one woman more than a few months so it surprised me when he started to ramble on about her. "She has long black hair and these amazing baby blue eyes, she's around 5'5 and is 23."

It turns out the only reason Josh told me about her was because he likes her, even though he just met her today he told me to stay far away from her. Brother or not I'm still going to try and get her, we both finished up our work and headed our separate ways. Before going to my car I decided to ask Paul about the woman I knocked down earlier, I intended to send her some flowers or something to apologize for knocking her down in the lobby. Walking into the security brake room I spotted Paul grabbing his things, "hey Paul who was the woman I knocked down earlier?" He glanced my way before continuing to pack his things up, "that was Miss Emily Valetino, Mr.Josh's new PA." Right then and there I wanted to kick myself in the gut, she probably hurt her feet in those heels when she fell. I thanked Paul and made my way out of the brake room, noticing the ugly glare he gave me on the way out. How was I supposed to know that she was Josh's new PA? I shrugged it off, I have all weekend to get her a "please forgive me for pushing you over" gift.

Josh's P.O.V

I really like Emily, she's the perfect person to be my PA. I told Adam that I liked her in hopes that he would back off, Emily is the only person who has applied for this job just for the job. Almost every person who's interviewed for this position just wanted to get close to Adam, Adam is a big boy and can take care of himself but the last thing we need is a lawsuit. Emily is fit for the ideal PA position and she goes above and beyond my expectations, I approved of her the moment she stepped on the floor. Unlike most of the people who interviewed she knocked and waited to be called in, most of the women who applied just walked in like they owned the place. She also waited to take a seat till I asked her to sit down with me, her clothes were professional yet they allowed her to move around with comfort. Most of the women who I've interviewed would wear skirts that made it look like they just came from a club, she's young but responsible enough for the job so after we discussed her employment contract we shook hands and parted ways. When I saw Adam walking out of the security brake room my curiosity got the better of me, I slipped in the room and almost knocked over one of the security guards. "Hey Paul, why was Adam in here?" His face had a sour look, "He was asking about Miss Valetino, he knocked her down earlier when he came running in the building."

I thanked Paul for the info before making a mental note to call Emily and ask if she was ok, she was wearing heels so being pushed down suddenly could have caused her some injury. If my new employee can't come into work on her first day because of Adam I'll set up a meeting between him and my fist, I love my brother but I need a PA and Emily is the only one who makes the cut. For the past six months its been hectic trying to schedule all my meetings and book my trips, with Emily around the stress levels will go down tremendously. I walk out to my corvet listening to the engine purr as I drive it out of the parking garage. I'm going to do everything in my power to make sure Emily is happy as my PA for as long as possible.

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