Forget me not

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Emily's P.O.V

"Emily hurry up!" Sean screamed down the hall, Sean, Guss, and I have become peas in a pod. Currently we are leaving the office for the weekend, "I'm coming! Just let me put this folder on Josh's desk!" I ran into Josh's office to give him the folder, he was typing away on his computer with determination. "Hey Em I need you to do one last thing before you leave." It's only six so I don't think Sean or Guss will turn into pumpkins, "sure what do you need me to do?" He pulled open the bottom drawer, "I need you to run this up to Adam, he's probably in a meeting up there so just go in quietly drop it off and then you can leave." I actually want to ask Sean or Guss to do it for me but its my job, "sure thing Josh, do you have any plans for the weekend? If not the guys and I are going out for a night on the town." He pretended to consider my offer even though we both knew he would accept, "well I suppose I'll go since you begged and groveled." He said with a taunting smirk, "oh thank you for honoring us peasants with you're presence oh amazing Josh." We both laughed until we were crying, "alright peasant go deliver that file."

I boarded the elevator and made my way to Adam's office, I try my best to look normal on the outside but on the inside I'm freaking out. When I reach the large double doors I take a deep breath and knock, "hold on!" An unfamiliar voice yelled from the inside, I could tell the voice was male so maybe it was a client. "Come in!" Adam called seconds after the first voice, he almost sounded desperate and pleading. I opened one of the heavy doors and cautiously entered the lions den, there was a man sitting with his back to me but from what I could see he looked around his late twenties. I could feel the tension in the room it was so thick you couldn't breath properly, I slowly made my way over to Adam's desk and placed the file in front of him. "Josh told me to bring this to you before we leave," Just as I was about to turn around and leave a pair of arms snaked around my waist, I was yanked down into the unknown guys lap. I let out an indignant squeal as I landed in his lap, "hey there cutie hows it going?" I looked up into a pair of bright blue eyes, "I would be better if I wasn't sitting on you're lap!" Adam jumped out of his chair and ripped me out of the man's lap, he was holding me bridal style in his arms as he returned to his seat.

"I would ask that you refrain from touching my employees Luka," Hmm maybe you should follow you're own advice Adam! I rolled my eyes and tried to wiggle my way out of his lap, he used one of his arms to trap me and used his other hand to squeeze the back of my neck. What the heck, do I look like a dog? I huffed but made no further attempts to get away, Adam loosened his grip on my neck and turned his attention back to the mystery man once I stopped moving. "I have no interest in you or you're supposed relation to me so please show you're self out," I wonder how this guy is related to Josh and Adam? They continue to talk so I pulled my phone out and texted Guss to come and save me, thankfully it only took him a few minutes to arrive in Adam's office. "Hey boss I need to steal Emily from you since she's my ride home," good one Guss! I mentally praised him, "hold on Luka, Emily where are you're keys?" Does this guy think I was born yesterday? "I don't have keys my car uses a key fob and a key pad." I almost cheered as he released his hold on me and Guss helped me up, as Guss was leading me out the Luka guy slapped my butt and said something I couldn't hear. What I did hear was his face getting slapped by Guss's fist, "don't you ever touch a lady like that!" I wanted to high-five his face with a chair but that wouldn't be professional of me, "thank you Guss, let's go find Sean and Josh that way we can make our dinner reservations."

As we left I could hear a few heated words from Adam before his doors burst open, "I'm finished with my meeting so I'll join you guys for dinner." Adam has been jumping on my last nerve and now he's crossed the red line, broke the last nerve, and raised my blood pressure to the max! "I'm sorry Mr.Ward but I only have reservations for Guss, Sean, you're brother and myself." I was hopping he'd get the message but like the true numbskull he is he just shrugged and kept walking, "if I didn't love my co-workers and boss so much I would quit in a heart beat." I silently seethed much to Guss's amusement, even if I were to quit I would still be friends with the guys. I texted Sean and Josh to meet us at the garage and told them about Adam's rude self invite, "you know I think the boss likes you." Guss whispered as we entered the garage lobby. I looked at him flabbergasted, "I don't know why you think that but even if he did I still hate him!" He just smirked "stage one of love denial!" Now if I actually did care for Adam in the slightest I would have been blushing or denying it a lot, but I don't so I just shrugged off the comment and went to meet the rest of the guys.

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