~Happy Birthday~

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(Emily's outfit)

Emily's P.O.V

"Thanks for coming!" I yell as my Aunt Pat and her family finally leave, that was the last family here and now their finally gone. The party my parents threw for me lasted for nine hours, now its five and Matt said he has a little surprise for me. I just want to sit on the couch and watch funny YouTube videos, but Matt insisted that I go with him to see whatever he has planned for me.


"Hey Lilly whats up? I haven't heard from you in awhile." "I know it seems like its been forever, hey Emily I need to ask you a personal question." "Sure thing Lilly what is it?" "Well I met this guy and I'm pretty sure he likes me and I like him sort of but I don't know what to do." "......Look Lilly I know what you're going through, I like a guy who likes me but he's afraid to scare me away since I didn't realize the way he felt about me soon enough." "WHAT! You didn't think to tell me sooner? Whats his name?" "*giggle* His name is Josh and there are certain circumstances that we need to get through before we can take any more steps, so what's you're guys name?" "His name is Elijah but he likes me to call him Eli." "Well I guess I wasn't much help but do you're best, and invite me to the wedding!" "Same to you Emily, same."

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I never did like phone conversations, they're so awkward and weird. Its been forever since I've talked to my old friend Lilly and that made it twice as awkward, I'd rather text or talk in person. I'm not an introvert but I'm not an extrovert either, so I guess that makes me a centralvert? I have no idea what the heck to call it so I'll settle with centralvert, I put my phone down and went upstairs to start getting ready for Matt's surprise thingy he's going to do for me. I changed into club worthy clothes and went back down stairs, "you ready to go birthday girl?" Matt asks as soon as my feet hit the last step, "I'm as ready as I'll ever be!" We started to walk out the door when my mom called me back in, "Emily there was a package at the door for you!" She handed me a thin rectangular box, I cautiously opened it to reveal two long stemmed pink roses. "Did you see who sent this?" My mother shook her head, "are they from an admirer or stalker?" Matt asked looking over my shoulder at the contents of the box, "they're a stalker" I said placing the box on the entry table.

I walked out the door with Matt once again, I knew my mom would tell my dad and as soon as I left they would begin to hunt the person down. Matt was noticeably annoyed at the thought of someone stalking me. We pulled up to a local club called Dimond's Dust. "Lets have some fun before we go home and hunt down a stalker?" Matt said opening my door for me like a gentlemen, "sure thing!" I replied and allowed him to lead me into the club. We danced and drank and danced some more before we decided to go home, as we walked out towards the car Matt suddenly stopped and grabbed my arm pulling me closer to him. I remember dad drilling me on what to do in this kind of situation, I let my instinct and muscle memory take full control. The first guy lunged at Matt from the shadows on the left, Matt knocked him to the ground right as another guy came at him. I spun around and used the palm of my hand to bust another guy's nose before using the heel of my shoe to kick a guy's throat. By the time Matt and I finished taking out the group of men there was a count of sixteen.

Matt called a buddy of his at the police station while driving us home, "you're stalker means what he says" Matt said breaking the silence that had fallen over us. "We need to find out who this person is and soon" after that neither one of us spoke until we got home. "We've narrowed down a list of suspects!" My dad exclaimed as soon as I opened the front door, "who's on the list?" My mom handed me a piece of paper with names on it. "Their in no particular order so don't jump to conclusions."

Luka Gratis, Adam Ward, Guss Bertron, Sean Stenson, Albert Poll.

The only name on the list that I didn't recognize was Albert Poll, "why is Adam on the list?" My father took the paper when I handed it back, "he seems to have taken a fancy to you but his brother is closer to you thus possibly causing him to be jealous." I'm skeptical since the stalker said they were the person who crashed into Adam and Josh that once. "I'd knock Guss and Sean off the list and look closer at Luka," I said before bidding everyone goodnight and heading to bed. I went to sleep worrying about what the stalker might try to do next.

Mystery P.O.V

I never knew Emily could put up that good of a fight..... I guess my next attempt should be more thought out. That brother of hers could prove to be a problem I should take care of him before trying to get Emily again. But first I need to get rid of my pesky brother, he's getting too close to the truth for my liking..............

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