First day on the job

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Emily's P.O.V

~As long as you love me we coul-~ Slam! I hit the snooze button on my alarm before any more Justin Bieber could try and rot my brain, Thor had already gotten out of bed to escape the horrible music. And as much as I dislike Justin Bieber music it does wake me up, jump out of bed to hit the snooze button so its doing its job well enough to keep it. Luckily my feet aren't hurt from yesterday's fall, I'm still upset but that's not going to hinder my attitude. I was told since today was my first day I could dress casually, I chose a pair of jeans and a button up with the sleeves rolled up to my elbows. I walked out of my room and into the kitchen so that I could get a bite to eat and feed Thor before I went to work, after giving Thor his dog food I made myself a fruit salad and glanced at the clock. I had to be in the office at eight and it was only six forty-five, I walked Thor one last time before locking up my apartment and heading to work.

When I walked in the lobby I made sure there were no running men who could potentially push me over, even if they did push me over I was wearing a pair of purple VANS so it wouldn't hurt as bad as my heels did. I waved to the security guard Paul, it didn't take me long to figure out that he's one of my brother's friends. He waved at me and smiled before going back to whatever it is he does here, I decided early on that the stairs are a bad idea the floor I work on is floor 35 I like walking but going up 35 flights of stairs isn't a thing I want to do any time soon. I took the elevator closest to me, when I got up there only a few people were up here. I walked into my office and began to arrange my things, a few minutes later Josh popped into my office. "Hey Emily! Ready to take a tour of the building?" I stand up and grab a small note pad and pen, "I'm ready when you are." He smiles and holds the door open for me, I begin to make a mental map that way I wont get lost when I run errands. He shows me all the floors and brake rooms. "The last office is on the 36th floor and it belongs to my brother, I don't think you'll need to go there often but I'll show it to you any way."

As we made our way up to Mr.Ward's office I evidently made a face of distress because Josh stopped mid-walk, "Emily I'm sorry for how rudely my brother treated you on the day you just got hired, he's normally not that rude I promise." I gave a small smile, "it's fine Josh I didn't get hurt very badly." He gave a curt nod before continuing to walk over to a pair of heavy looking wooden doors, he threw them open and walked into Mr.Ward's office like he owned it. I cautiously followed after him only to find one of the most amusing sights in my life, Mr.Ward was sitting behind his desk asleep with a trail of drool running down the side of his mouth. Josh made a hand motion for me to be quiet, he walked into a room that connected with the main office and came back out with a glass of water. I would never have the nerve to do what Josh was about to do, he crept over to the sleeping CEO and dumped the whole glass of water straight onto his face. I didn't know whether to be horrified or laugh like there was no tomorrow, I ended up giggling softly enough to where I don't think either of them heard me.

After spluttering for a minute Mr.Ward began to yell at Josh for ruining his suit and disturbing his nap, while they were fighting I wandered into the room where Josh got the water. It turned out to be a private bathroom, I grabbed a towel from one of the cabinets and walked back into the main office. The brothers were full out running around the room like a couple of kids and didn't stop until I cleared my throat, "I thought you would like to dry off Mr.Ward so I took the liberty of getting you a towel." He nodded and took the towel from me and began to take off his shirt, "I'm going to excuse myself now." I said while heading to the door, "I'll meet you at you're office and we can go for lunch in a minute." Josh yelled as I began to walk out the door. What the heck, he may be the boss but he can't just go around taking off his clothes in front of female employees! What if I had been a client and he just started taking off his shirt while thinking I was an employee? That could cause a huge lawsuit that could potentially cost the company more than just money, our reputation could be jaded and then other companies would lose faith in our deals and contracts.

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