What's that supposed to mean?

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Emily's P.O.V

I woke up earlier than normal this morning so that I could get to work on time. "Be careful Emmy the stalker could be anyone!" My mom yelled as I stepped out the door, do you seriously want the whole neighborhood to know? Matt had already told me that he was going to monitor my location all day with the help of his buddies and the GPS trackers in my shoe and earrings. I didn't bother to protest since I knew that it was safer this way, its not every day a stalker decides to send men after you but if he does decide to then it would be nice to have backup. I hopped in my car and drove to the office, I hate feeling like a sitting duck but we don't know who the heck is stalking me or sending those creepy roses. I parked my car in the parking garage and quickly got in the elevator, I hit my floor button and waited for the elevator to go. It seemed like took longer than usual for it to work but I doubt my stalker would trap me in the elevator since that doesn't fit his profile. I got up to my floor without any hassle and went straight to my desk, around noon I went to see if Josh wanted to go to lunch with me. I couldn't find him in his office so I called Sean and Guss to see if they knew where he was, they didn't know so I dialed Paul to see if Josh had even come in the building this morning. Paul said he didn't see Josh come in to work this morning like he normally does.

I was freaking out on the inside since I knew Josh would have at least called if he was taking time off from work. I sat down at my desk and was about to call his cell when the mail guy came in and handed me a letter addressed to me, sean, guss, and Adam. I called Sean and told him to get the others, "so what do you think is inside?" Sean asked nervously wringing his hands. Guss was squeezing a stress ball and Adam didn't seem interested since he was texting away on his phone. I opened the envelope and pulled out the letter.

~Dear friends

It seems there was a change of plans. You're friend was too close to finding out who I was so I had to remove him from the game. I'm growing bored of this drawn out game so I'll speed thing up, tonight you're fates shall be decided.

Sincerely Mr.G

I crumpled up the letter and threw it at the trashcan, "he took Josh!" I screamed. I sank into my chair as tears rolled down my face. Sea and Guss tried to calm me down but I was crying too hard, how was Josh too close to figuring out who was doing all of this? When I calmed down enough to think straight I noticed Adam wasn't there anymore. "Guys where did Adam go?" We couldn't find Adam in my office or his, "should we call the police?" Guss asked, "I already texted Matt and he said they've already started looking for Adam, and I told him about the signature at the end of the letter." The guys sat in silence while I mentally planned how to kill whoever took Josh. I was mentally stabbing them when my phone began to ring, it was an unknown number so I put it on speaker and had Sean record the conversation with his phone. There was static at first but then I could faintly hear Josh's voice. "Emily come to west avenue park at eight." Then the call dropped. I hit the end button and just sat there, Sean was sending Matt the recording to see if they could get anything off of it but I doubt they can.

"You're not thinking of actually going are you?" Guss asked with concern, "we need to find out who's doing this so yes I am." It's three now so I need to be at the park in five hours, I'll send Matt and his guys to set up surveillance cameras before I go that way we can see them before they see us. I dialed Matt and told him my plan, he agreed to set up surveillance but he wanted men undercover close bye that way if I needed backup they could come in and help. Since my boss wasn't here to stop me I left work early and went home to mentally prepare myself for what I could encounter at the park. By seven thirty I was in the car and headed to the park, I still had the GPS chips in my shoes and earrings but that doesn't make me feel any safer. I know the government knows about this since my brother and parents are connected but they said getting involved may compromise Josh so its just us. I arrived at the park five minutes before the time I was told that way I could survey the area and look for any suspicious characters, there was a man in a black hoodie and a woman in a yellow dress but other than that there was just normal people going about their lives.

I sat down on a bench and waited for something to happen, nothing happened and I waited till nine thirty before giving up. I texted Matt that I was leaving since no one showed up to meet me and it was getting dark. I walked back to my car and climbed in, "make a noise and you're dead." I felt my blood run cold when I heard Adam's voice behind me. "Adam?" He laughed, it wasn't a joyful or happy laugh is was the 'I'm psychotic like the joker' laugh. "I want you to hand me you're phone and drive, I'll give you directions as needed." I carefully complied since I'm sure there's a gun pointed at the back of my head. I handed him my phone and began to drive out of the park, he has no idea what I'm going to do to him when I get out of this car. But why did Adam do all of this? I know dad said he thought Adam liked me but Adam hasn't made a move to show he likes me. I drove in silence trying to figure out how I missed the signs that it was Adam all along. "Take a right and stop the car" I did as told and saw we were in front of a huge warehouse. "Get out of the car" I slowly opened my door and slid out praying that Matt had noticed the location of my GPS chips, "if you're hoping you're army brother tracks your phone's GPS chip then too bad I already disabled it." I mentally breathed a sigh of relief that he's not smart enough to figure out my brother would do more to protect his sister from a stalker.

Adam roughly grabbed my arm and dragged me into the building. "Where's Josh?" I demanded, if it weren't for the fact I need Adam to tell me where Josh is I would have killed him already. He tightened his grip on my arm "why do you even like Josh! I'm more handsome I have more money and fame so why?!" I wanted to slap him, "I didn't fall for him because of money or fame, he's sweet and funny but most of all he's not conceited!" As soon as I realized what I had said I knew it was too late to late to take it back. Adam just continued to drag me through the building, as we walked through the halls the sounds of our foot steps was the only thing to be heard. He abruptly stopped in front of a door opened it and threw me inside the dark room, "jerk!" I yelled as he slammed the door closed. I heard the lock click into place, it sounded like a death sentence that I couldn't escape. I heard a small noise from somewhere in the room, "is someone there?!" There was a shuffling sound, "Emily is that you?" I ran my hand against the wall till it hit the light switch, I flicked it on and looked around the room franticly for Josh. He was tied to a chair with bruises on his face and arms, I'm sure he had them on his legs but I was too relieved to see him alive to care.

"Josh you're alive!" I ran over to him and hugged him, "Emily you shouldn't be here, Adam has gone nuts!" I began to untie his hands, "I know, don't worry my brother is tracking me." I finished untying Josh's hands and helped him stand, he huffed a little before leaning on my shoulder for support. "How are we going to get out of here if you're brother doesn't show?" I know what Matt is capable of and if I'm right he should be getting here right about now. "Don't worry Matt should be here any minute, Josh told me about how Adam had kidnapped him but he didn't mention how he got the bruises. I already had a good idea of how he got them but I didn't say anything. A few minutes later Matt burst through the door and helped carry Josh out of the building. I found out that Adam had escaped and there was no trace of him anywhere, it concerned me but I was too occupied with making sure Josh was ok. At the hospital x-rays reviled that Adam had broken three of Josh's ribs and his pinky finger.

Life has returned to somewhat normal. Adam never returned and is still a fugitive so Josh stepped up as the new CEO, he offered me the position as his assistant and I happily accepted.  Sean and Guss took over our old positions, they fought over who would be boss and somehow Sean won. I still bring coffee to Paul in the morning and we talk before I go up to my office. Matt went back into the army and is doing a tour in Iraq. My parents decided they wanted to travel the world before one of us kids got married and they had to take care of grandkids.A year later Josh asked me out on a few dates before we officially started dating.

I was sitting at my desk going through some papers when my desk phone started to ring, "hey Emily can you bring me a box that just came in?" I looked down at my stack of unfinished papers, "sure I'll bring it right up." I got up a phoned Paul, "hey Paul josh said a box just came in?" He confirmed about the box and said he'd bring it to me. "Thanks Paul!" I grabbed the box(which was really small to be honest) And went to give it to Josh.

I walked in his office with the box in hand, "here you go!" I set the box on his desk and started to walk back to my desk. "Emily wait!" When I turned back around Josh had gotten down on one knee and was holding the box. "Emily" I ran up and hugged him repeatedly saying yes. He got up laughing, "for all you know I tripped and was about to get up." I punch his arm, "you don't just randomly trip and end up on one knee with a ring box." "True so will you Emily Valentino do me the great honor of becoming my wife?"

A/N: And done! I'll post an epilogue later to day. Ciao!

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