Game of roses

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(The rose)

Josh's P.O.V

After the accident Emily has been glued to my side and with good reason, not long after Adam and I were released from the hospital we received a death threat while we were at the office. It was just a letter but the person who wrote it claimed to be the same person who hit us with the truck, more security was put in place and Sean, Guss, and Emily all go home together at the same time now by Adam's request. We've hired private investigators but they haven't been able to find the person who is doing all this, who ever this person is when we find them they are going to pay. They have successfully managed to make Adam turn into an angry troll, Emily is always paranoid and looking over her shoulder, Sean and Guss never let Emily leave the building without them, last but not least me I now follow the rest home to make sure they get in safe and lock their doors.

I was typing away on my computer when Sean came barging in my office, "Josh you need to come with me, Emily just received a package from the mystery person and now she won't stop shaking!" I ran out of my office after him while texting Paul to come up here in case there was something dangerous in the package, when we got there Emily was sitting in her chair holding a black rose. Emily was sitting there spaced out till I touched her shoulder, she looked at me and with a shaky hand she gave me a note that I presumed came with the flower.


~Dear Emily,

I'm quite sure that you will share this letter with you're friends but that's part of the plan, every day all of you will receive a rose of a different color till Saturday. Don't try and go to the police they won't be able to trace me anyway, let's see how smart you are in a game of roses shall we?

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Emily's P.O.V

"So whats a game of roses?" Guss asked while the rest stood there silent, I looked at Paul for a green light to continue, he nodded. "Usually its called a game of flowers but since this person chose roses as the only flower it means that roses are in some way special to them, each roses color has a meaning since we all are going to get one that means depending on the color of you're rose is what the person who sent it thinks of you." If this wasn't a serious situation I would be laughing at the guys faces, their mouths were open making them look like goldfish. "How do you know all of that?" Sean all but screamed, Paul walked over and took the rose from me "she knows because all of her family either works or used to work for the government and they taught her the tricks of the trade." Everyone looked in between the two of us until Adam spoke up "so how do you two know each other again?" He sounded annoyed and tired all at the same time, "I'm friends with Emily's big brother and she figured that out when you shoved her over on her first day here." So I guess Paul isn't going to let Adam live that one down huh, poor Adam that probably means Paul told my brother, and Matt said he'd be visiting pretty soon.

"So what you're saying is that depending on the color of the rose we get is what this person thinks of us?" Guss asked while twiddling his thumbs, "Yes that's how the game is played." "So what does a black rose mean?" The room went silent and every one was waiting for my reply, "a black rose means death to the receiver." Guss shot up and sprinted out of the room screaming about how he was too young to die, "I'll go get him" Sean said and began walking off in the direction that Guss ran. I can't help but feel that the person who's doing all of this somehow knows one of us, I'll have to ask my brother and his friends to look into this. But until we catch this person looks like we're going to have to play their little game, and I don't plan on losing.

A/N: Sorry this is so short but I ran out of inspiration, I'll try to write a longer chapter next time to make up for this one! I think I'm only going to make five more chapters before I end the story but I don't know yet.

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