02 | time of your life

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After her shift at the restaurant ended, she ordered an Uber to take her home before she invited her friend over to her house, jumping out of her work uniform to her casual clothes — a neon yellow tank top and black shorts that landed way above her knee. It wasn't much, but it was completely appropriate for the humid ninety-degree weather outdoors. Natural light that peeked from the windows radiated over her face as she plopped herself and a tattered makeup bag at the kitchen table.

"Girl, how are you enjoying it here so far?" Summer's best friend, Loni Hendrix, remarked as she grabbed the zipper to open the makeup bag. She's been her friend since the beginning of her sophomore year at her former school in her old town, known to be a pushy yet caring friend and a complete fashionista, especially when it came to nails and hair. Her moisturized brown skin glimmered in the natural sunlight peeking into the kitchen, radiating her beauty.

Even if Summer didn't live in her old town anymore, the two friends were only separated by about half an hour, so they were bound visit each other whenever they wished. It was probably the only good thing about moving back to Haven Hills for her so far. At least she didn't have to be far from her friends back at Crews. 

"It's mid. Everything is mid. It's nothing too interesting to talk about," Summer answered simply as she held out her fingers. "Do you have clear sparkly nail polish?"

"Uh-huh," Loni nodded as she fished a small bottle of the requested polish from its bag. "I can paint your nails this color if you want."

"Sure, thank you," the other girl acknowledged as she glanced up towards her friend. "Ugh, I hate moving. I don't want to be in Haven Hills. I want to go back to Crews City."

"Didn't you say that this is your old town?" Loni questioned as she popped open the polish bottle before she adjusted the girl's hand. "I can only imagine it being nice to move back to your childhood city."

"I mean, it's cool but . . . I've made more memories at Crews. Haven Hills is just . . . dry," Summer replied, careful not to fidget as the nail brush gilded against her nail to smear the polish all over. "My new job at Shane's Subs is okay, though. Not exactly my dream job but it's a start."

"That's good, at least," Loni chirped as she carefully observed the set of hands in front of her. "Have you met anyone new yet?"


"You know, friends," the girl clarified. "Potential love interests, maybe?"

"Nah, I've barely talked to anyone here," Summer grimaced as she frowned. "When you move to a new town, making friends is just difficult. It was like that when I moved to Crews, and now I'm feeling the same thing over again."

"Yeah, but there's always school when it starts. It'll make getting a friend a tiny bit easier," Loni reasoned as she dipped the nail brush into the polish bottle. "What school are you even going to anyway?"

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