04 | somebody that i used to know

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MOVING HOUSES WAS ALREADY stressful enough. But unpacking? That was out of this world for Summer Edwards. It's been a couple of weeks since she's moved back to Haven Hills, so you would think that she'd be one and done with unpacking. But being the unmotivated seventeen-year-old she was, she still had a couple of boxes she didn't even bother to open.

Those boxes were bulky, standing in the corner of her room beside her full-body mirror. Being that it was three in the afternoon on a Monday morning, the sun was high, flowing into her room. The air conditioning wasn't doing any justice, neither was the ceiling fan at the center of her room. Being that it was hot, she could use that as one of her many excuses to not finish unpacking. Her plan for the day was to watch Netflix on her Macbook while eating an ice pop.

Sounded ideal, right? Definitely. Just as she hugged her oversized Hello Kitty pillow, she got ready to choose what show to watch with her free hand right before her mother walked in. She cocked her head up, grumbling under her breath. It was already annoying enough that her mother had to come in, but the sound the door made in the process was even more irritating. It creaked so loudly to the point where Summer was completely sure the entire world could hear it.

Definitely not ideal if you want to get a snack at three AM, Summer, she pondered. It was always something to put into consideration. 

But that was far from the point. Her mother stood in the door frame with a small laundry basket. Folded clothes could be seen through the tiny holes of the basket, indicating that they were recently washed. Idris adjusted the basket on her hip as she looked into the bedroom, frowning with disappointment.

"Summer," she moaned. "It's about time that you unpack those boxes instead of lying in bed."

"I'll do it later, Mom, I'm tired," the teenage girl nagged as she gently patted her Hello Kitty pillow.

"If you do it now, you can get it over with sooner. I'm tired of seeing those boxes every time I walk in this room," Idris insisted as she set down her laundry basket to the floor, swiping what seemed like a small box into her fingers afterwards. "I bought you some new fairy lights to help decorate your room but if you're just going to keep it messy, I can just use it for our Christmas tree when the time comes . . ."

Summer intervened as she slammed her laptop shut. "Okay, okay, I'll unpack the boxes right now."

"That's what I thought," Idris beamed as she placed the lights onto the vanity at the front of the room. Soon enough, she disappeared out of the room with her laundry basket. If anything, Summer knew that her mother had a great skill of bribing her to get her to do basic things she didn't want to do. She'd rather be curled in her bed with her highly aesthetic Hello Kitty pillow watching something on Netflix, but those decorating her room sounded way too tempting, especially since it was basically a "take it or leave it" kind of offer.

Those were always so tempting, especially since her bedroom was practically empty with nothing unique to it. The walls were white, the floor was carpeted brown, an empty white bookcase, and that was pretty much it.

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