-𝓓𝓸𝓷𝓷𝓲𝓮- [𝕄𝕚𝕤𝕤𝕚𝕟𝕘 𝕪𝕠𝕦]

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>𝓓𝓸𝓷𝓷𝓲𝓮 x ! reader<

Disclaimer: depression week 

𝓓𝓪𝓽𝓮: 10/6/22 - 12/8/22

(っ◔◡◔)っ ♥ Happy readings lovelies ♥

𝑀𝒾𝓈𝓈𝒾𝓃𝑔 𝓎𝑜𝓊 •°~


《 6: 28 pm || Y/ns apartment》

Walking in you could feel the ambiance die down as he entered your very apartment. The window shut loudly but was at a minimum; he stepped down and stood to admire your messy look. Although he never noticed, he was staring. He glanced and took his body towards your living room couch; it sunk due to his weight.

Neither of you could bring yourself to say anything. I mean how could you, it's only been a couple of weeks ever since you guys split. Both of you had given stutters or hesitated at every turn of what to say and it hurt knowing what it could've been and what it couldn't be.

He sat there caressing his three fingers slowly, contemplating what to spit out, but for some reason, it all felt like a blur, in one second the both of you were contented and loving each other like no one ever could, and now it's like you guys don't even know each other. "Uhm, I'm sorry to intrude on whatever you were doing, but uhm-" "Let me guess Don, you forgot something again?" You questioned as he had been coming back to your apartment even if he and you weren't together anymore. You felt annoyed but bared with it as you rolled your eyes. His formal excuse each time was that he had left something behind. Although you felt as if he wasn't just coming back for his stuff, but for another reason. You couldn't pinpoint it, but you didn't bother trying.

Donnie still loved how you called him Don, but knowing him it gave him a scrape to the knew every time since it reminded him of the only person who would call him that. "I- yeah, but I wanted to say sorry for what I did-" "Don, don't start this bullshit again." "Y/n please if you'd just listen to what I have to say-" He stood and took steps toward you, wanting to hold your hands one last time. You took steps back subconsciously knowing his plan as he did this all those past times he's visited.

"Donnie Hamato, you know I loved you, but that's in the past. I-I don't wanna fight, Don. It already hurts, don't make this any more painful than it has to be." " Y/n, what you saw wasn't true. You know it wasn't what it actually was." "Don, don't start-" The tone in your voice raised.   " Y/n if you'd just listen to me-" "Don-" "It wasn't what you saw I swear." "Don." "Everything was just at the wrong place at the wrong time." He frantically tried to explain knowing it would have no effect on what you had to say."Don!" You rubbed your forehead in irritation. You took a sigh and leaned against your counter. 

You wiped the oncoming tears starting to form. Silence hung for another few minutes as the both of you silently cried without letting the other know. " I don't care what happened that day, okay? What happened is between you and April. "  Another 5 minutes pass as both of you just stood. "Y/n I'm sorry for what I've done. I know my words could never contribute to the pain I've caused, but Y/n I really mean it when I say that that day wasn't what you thought and although it won't change things, it's the truth. I really did- I do love you and if I'm leaving for the last time I want you to know what happened." "Don, I don't wanna hear it. I have my beliefs and grudges and so do you. So just grab your things and go." He tried to move, but he just couldn't. In his mind, knowing you didn't believe him, just couldn't live with him.

All he could do was stand there idly in pain. He knew what he did was wrong, but he never would've admitted to it just cause he loved you. He didn't know what to do or say at this moment, everything was just a mess and all he could think about was the things he did wrong and the things you felt. And you? You didn't know what to think. Everything was even more of a mess for you; you felt as if you didn't care how he felt anymore, but on another spectrum, it was like you were only running back to him again and again.

If you knew all the occurrences that could've happened, you wouldn't have created all those great memories with him, you wouldn't have spent all those months with him; if only you knew that he was going to cheat on you anyway, you would've just left him the second you met him, but you couldn't. You could never do that to him because, in the end, he was the sweet, loving boy you always knew. That could never change, but his actions could. Just thinking about it now made you heartbroken, but it's what you would do for love that made you stay. 

Donnie on the other hand; wished he could just take back how he treated you. He knew he treated you like shit and never bothered to do anything about it; only one of the mistakes he's made over the past few months. He never could get over April, but she could never get over Casey, and when Donnie had finally gotten a grasp of April he took it even if he was with you. 

You knew he regretted everything, but you didn't care, all you knew was that he hurt you and wanted him to be out of your life as fast as he came into it. At this point, both of you were at shameless tears for each other. Taking deep breaths, one finally spoke. "Y/n, I'll just get my stuff. I've unfortunately caused more trouble than I should've." 

He came out with the leftover items in a small box from your room and kept them to himself. As did you. Never once did either of you guys receive eye contact which was for the better. Finally, he took his steps towards the window as you silently followed behind. You both took one last look at each other knowing that it'd be the last and contemplated on how to say bye. " You have everything Donatello?" " Yea I think I'm good now. I'll see you around I guess." But as he left he realized he did leave something behind. You.


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