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"Chris. Up. Now."  Nick yells from the hallway.

I open my eyes and my head starts to hurt. Me and Andrew were wrestling and the little shit hit my head.

I get up and close my blinds.


"What! God damn you've been yelling at me all morning for what! Can't a dude sleep in."

"No we have a lot to do."

Then I remember we move tomorrow.

I smile at Nick.

"Okay glad your happy, but seriously we need to get shit done." He says and closes the door.

-A few hours lator-

"I'm exhausted." I say sitting down.

"All you did was pack clothes..."  Kora says.

"Wait are you going with us?"

"Oh no, I just thought I'd hang around before I say good bye."

"Oh I totally thought you were."

"Kaia and her were gonna go but Laura said next time." Matt says.

Kora lays against Matt. Dude, I don't think I'll ever get used to Matt being with someone. Nothing wrong with it, it's just weird.

They aren't even dating. Matt looks down at her just admiring. GROSS.

"you two make me sick." I say and turn around

"Your just mad that you can't do that with Kaia anymore." Nick chimes in from across the room.

"That's not true Nick you don't know what your talking about." I make my way to my room.

His words echo in my head. Fuck off. I flop down on my bed and sigh. I turn on spotify on my phone and connect it to my TV to try and drown out the thoughts. 

I've been doing everything in my power to forget about her. But the fact that she's living here now makes it impossible. And the reasoning behind it makes me even more upset when I look at her.

I take out my phone and scroll through old photos. Guilt washes over me. I never wanted to hurt her.

God why am I so stupid.

Always walking across without looking both ways. This time I was finally hit.

Photo after video I'm watching us laugh, bake, cry, and cuddle. That's when I realize how alone I feel. I feel so enraged without her. She needed me so much. Something really bad could've happened to her and I was just thinking of myself. What if- It was a repeat of Brianna. Kaia's smile would never be real again. Only images of the past. No growing old together. No more random text messages. 

No more remedies for soft cries.

-Reflection by The Neighborhood starts playing- (no fr play the song rn because its my favorite)

That's when I realized the tears were streaming down my face. I put my phone down and bury my face into the pillow. I don't remember the last time I've cried this bad. I long for a hug, just to pick her up and twirl her around, as if nothing else in the world matters beside her. Because right now she is my everything. She has always been my everything even when I turned into nothing for her. 

I lay there for a moment as the music consumes me

       "We were too close to the stars

I never knew somebody like you, somebody

Fallin' just as hard (...)"

     "Maybe its a blessing in disguise

(I see myself in you)

                  I see my reflection in your eyes"


Chris lays there being emo for the time being. Now we will leave hin alone in his feels.

Music continues to next scene


Matt. Matt. Matt.

Ugh he's just perfect.

"Hey" he smiles.

I love the way he looks at me.

Oh my god. I love him.


"Kora wake up."

I open my eyes.

"Bruh wake up." I look over to see Chris


I say and sit up rubbing my eyes.

He grabs Matt's chair and sits down proping his feet in the bed.

"I need to talk to you. I need you to help me, I'm asking for us to talk like friends."

"Wheres Matt?"

"I killed him"

I give him a dumb look

"He's taking Andrew somewhere."

I nod. "Sorry what do you want?"
I yawn.

"I just need your view point. A woman's viewpoint. I need to know how to say I'm sorry to Kaia with out digging myself a deeper whole."

My eyes are still blurry.

"So?" He says seriously.

"So I think I could use a few minutes to wake up Chris. I'll think about something while I wake up."

"Your already awake."

"Chris, I'll help you just let me wake uuup."

"Okay okay, sorry just please."

I stand up. And take a deep breath.

"I just said I would help you." I said, I don't want to be rude but what more does he want.

"Really? Oh thanks Kora. You have my blessing." He says and gives me a tight hug. Honestly talking to Chris will bring us all closer, I hope.

Matt then walks into his room with a bag and gives Chris a weird look.

"Chris out."

He lets go and hops out Making weird noises.

"I'm not even gonna ask what that was about.' Matt says and then set what looks like a bag of donuts down.

"Honestly not even I know what it was about really."

Matt smiled and then turns around to face me. I smile back and then he puts a hand on my cheek and gently to my neck and pulls me in for a kiss his thumb sitting behind my ear.

When he pulls away his face is close. Seeing my reflection in his eyes.


I look at her beautiful eyes. So crystal clear I could almost see myself.

I put my hands on her hips and she wraps her arms around my neck. I look out my window and see butterflies.

"Whacha looking at." She says.

"You." I say and look back at her.

She closes her eyes and lays her head in my chest.

"Kora." I say and she lifts her head up and we meet eyes again.


"You make me so happy."

"You make me very happy Matthew."

"Your perfect."

"Your perfect ."

"Your so beautiful."

"Your so handsome."

"God your smile radiates."

"I'm in love with yours."



"Will you be my girlfriend?"


Published: 4.29.23

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