Young Puppy love

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As soon as they started dating, Krish had planned for them to have a trip to Pondicherry. Radhika initially hesitated. She was naïve enough to refuse the trip because she didn't want to get pregnant so soon. She had lots of plans for her life and her career and a baby was not in it. Krish, amused at her naivety told her that there are lot of other things that they could which would definitely not result in her getting pregnant. They went to a 2 days trip which included one night in a dingy hotel room. They did do stuff which was mostly sucking face but they never really went all the way. Krish had many many girlfriends and experience before but Radhika was a virgin and Krish was not ready to deflower a virgin. It was just too serious to be fun. But he liked her, and he wanted to enjoy her company. They spent those two days holding handing, kissing for hours and then he went second base in the night for a few minutes. They found a condom under the bed and looking at the freaked out expression his girl had he didn't take this night any further. They spent the next morning joking about the events of last night. While Krish had his head on her lap. She sweetly and naughtily sang the song "Raat ka nasha abhi.. aankh se gaya nahi". He suddenly turned around and pulled her so she fell on top of him. He had fantasized about her boobs and they were even more tempting in reality than they were in his fantasy. He overpowered her resistance and uncovered breast quickly before she stops him. He had done it last night. Since it was her first time, he was too gentle and only kissed and sucked at them a little. But obviously it wasn't enough for him now. Her round voluptuous boobs that looked much bigger in the influence of gravity, were dangling on his face like juicy ripe mangoes. He sucked them like mangoes. She was too shy so she pushed him down and turned over on the bed. She started buttoning her shirt and said "I am not a cow!". He replied "ok ok I'm backing off" and a second later jumped on top of her, squeezed them hard and bit one of the boob. she screamed in pain "Aaah!". He replied, "I'm done now. Just wanted to give you a souvenir to remember me by" and they both burst into laughter. They went to the beach and walked around holding hands. Puppy Love!

"All the time, I kept thinking... we should have done it in Pondicherry. I was so stupid to have stopped you". Krish said "Better me than them.. huh!". Radhika replied, "better you than anyone". Everything became serious. There was no response from Krish. So Radhika continued speaking. This time she didn't hold back on anything.

"I am not looking for your pity or sympathy. I know what it was for you. You just needed a different variety on number 13 or was it number 15. All the feeling that existing in those 4 months were all from my side. You could have dumped me because you were bored but you dumped me because of my background, because I was not matching up to your standard, because I wasn't a rich brat like you. You really think I could be cheap enough to seduce your sleezy brother-in-law and for what!!!" She went on and on but when she spoke about her interpretation of his opinion about her character, Krish couldn't take anymore. He asked her to shut up. He said "My cousin is an idiot who still believes that her asshole husband still loves her. Had it not been for you, I would have broken his nose yesterday. I don't know what he tried to do to you... I hope he didn't... he didn't touch... or... grab... You know something, I don't entirely blame him, because you looked crazy hot last night." Radhika's nostrils flared with anger. Krish took a step back and said "Yes you looked very hot in that gold saree, but you looked divine in the red one. And I can only imagine how hard it can be for a guy to keep his hands off something like that." Radhika's face still had the disgust which is when Krish came back to track. He said "Ok... now I understand why you are getting pissed. You think I am blaming you. You have more dignity and grace than all of them combined, and I know that you are still a virgin, and it makes me sad that I broke your heart so bad that you still are... a lonely virgin. And yes! you were number 17 not 15 actually. I left you because I always knew this is best for you. Your goals and the expectations my family has from me doesn't match. And I am so angry right now... I am so angry that you loved someone like me so much that you were okay to walk towards those filthy wolves. Do you even know what could have happened to you? What they would have done to you. I am so.. I am so fucking angry... what if it hadn't rained... what if they had caught you... I couldn't have fought those dogs... How would I live with... Damn you!! Woman!! ". She had never seen him so destressed. She ran towards him and hugged him and said "I am ok. We are ok. Nothing happened". He hugged her tight and they stood like that for what felt like an eternity. He pulled back and looked at her face. There were tears flowing non stop. He kissed her tears and sucked them and locked his lips with her. It felt like they were back to that hotel in Pondicherry. They kissed like it's their last night in the world. Soon his hands were running all over her body and she didn't find any reason to stop him this time. He unzipped her dress and unhooked her bra. She was still too naïve to take any step towards undressing him. He didn't take off her clothes completely. He made sure she is covered incase they have visitors. He kissed her neck and shoulders and all over her chest. She moaned in pleasure. He spent a lot of time fondling with her breast but he was also so gentle as though he thought of her as a fragile doll made of glass. He dug his head sucking her boobs, playing with her nipples and then he gave a hard bite to the squishy boob. She screamed "Aaah". He got startled and gestured her to be quiet. They looked at each other and smiled remembering their time in the past. He carried her in his arms and made her lie on the stack of hay. Soon they were interlocked into each other. There were no questions, no confusions, and no doubts in their mind. When she bled out after losing her virginity to him, he cleaned her up with his handkerchief. Kissed her to no end to comfort her and they went on again. They both had no count of how many times they made love that night but during the dawn they were in deep asleep on a hay bed in each other's arms.

Next morning, Radhika seemed to be the same girl she was last night, but Krish seemed changed. He seemed upset. They came out and saw that the highway was not more than 500 meters from the stable they spent the night in. He said "Damn!! had we walked a little more we could have reached the highway last night" He kept getting calls that he ignored. Once they reached the highway they got into a taxi. Krish couldn't muster the courage to even look at Radhika. Radhika knew what was going on and stopped the taxi and walked out. He stopped her... he wanted to say something to her. She kissed his cheek and said, "Do me a favor, don't show me your face ever again". She thought she was over him all this while. But she realized that she had been over him only today. Last night meant nothing to him. I couldn't mean anything to her either. She was so overwhelmed with emotions in the last 3 days... emotions of shame, fear, love, lust, betrayal and sorrow that she didn't think of the repercussions of that night. She was too naïve to take the right actions at right time. Two weeks later she got to know that she was pregnant. 

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