Truth Untruth

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One fateful day, she had some extreme morning sickness and was caught puking in a room by Krish's Aunt. She gave a naughty smile to Radhika and ran out to tell the others. Radhika froze and freaked out and immediately called Krish. This was the first time she spoke to Krish while not pretending. He was sitting in the garden with his cousins and was stunned to see her call. He cut the call which made her panic more but within a minute he was in the room. He saw her and closed the door. He asked her if she is ok. She told him what had happened, but he couldn't see the reason behind her being so upset. Radhika clarified to him in clear words "Now they will know that this baby was conceived out of wedlock. They will know what I am". Before he could reply to this, there was a knock on the door. Krish opened the door and was teased by all the women. Man! They were dirty. They made comments on how Krish is so shameless that he doesn't leave his wife alone even during the day. He must not be letting her sleep at all. There were so many double meaning references to Krish boning his wife non stop and hence within two months they are already pregnant. Radhika was so flushed but what she didn't expect was this. She was overwhelmed by the celebrations and pampering she got from everyone in the family. Krish's parents were very happy. They made Krish call Radhika's Parents to share this good news. This had never happened to her before. She had never been celebrated like this before. She had never been this pampered in her life before. Krish enjoyed all the attention as all the credit for this big achievement was given to him.

There was a sudden lockdown in the country and Krish and Radhika were now indefinitely stuck in his hometown. Another week passed by and things couldn't have been better. Krish's mother was suddenly so fond of her new daughter-in-law. Radhika suddenly became an apple of everybody's eye. One evening during a quiet dinner, Krish's mother mentioned how proud she is of Radhika because in spite of being a modern career woman she did not hesitate from having a child right away. This was also a snide remark to Sudha. Sudha was enraged and replied "Not everybody like to make babies the way people like Radhika make". She had no business saying that. Both Krish and Rahul were shocked and disappointed. Radhika already had tears building up in her eyes. Krish's mother left the room in anger. Radhika followed her. She held her hand and said "I am kind of relieved that you know my truth, because I have been feeling guilty. You have showered me with so much love and I don't deserve it. You might think that I trapped your son into marriage but all I want to tell you is .. this is your grandchild. I don't know what it was for your son but from my side it was true love.. Rahul bhaiya was too kind to protect me from shame. I will do whatever you want me to do. You have all rights to kick me out but I swear on my baby that it was true love from my side which makes my baby pure and not.." She couldn't speak another word after this her throat was full. Her mother-in-law didn't say a word she only took her in her arms and gave her that motherly hug which instantly turned all her sorrows into divine joy. Rahul and Krish were relieved to see this.

On their way to the room, they saw Sudha. Krish sarcastically thanked her for her intervention in this matter. Sudha came forward to apologize but Krish walked away. Radhika waited for her and accepted her apology and thanked her in return for telling the truth. She entered the room with the brightest smile Krish has ever seen on her face in the last few months. He was mesmerized. They still weren't in a situation where they could converse with each other. Radhika stood near her room's window for a very very long time holding on tight to her baby in her tummy.

There were a lot of changes in the room now, Radhika was too reluctant to notice them. They both still had no conversations as neither of them would let go of their pride, but Krish began to observe Radhika more and often had an opinion on her appearance. He was brought up in a home that had everything. Radhika cared very less about the materialistic necessities of life. One evening, they were getting ready for an engagement party. Radhika wore the same red saree she once wore. She wanted to wear heavier jewelry, so she started to take off the mangal sutra. Krish yelled at her to make her stop and gave his two cents on her not keeping up with his family's tradition. She wanted to argue but she was not in the mood to create a scene especially when she was already so conscious of her attire.

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