An unexpected twist

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There were a few family gatherings that happened and this time it had the presence of Roshni, who used to be Krish's fiancé. Not only was she very well liked by everyone, she had everything in common with Krish. They were both from rich families they had same friends. She was perfect. Radhika knew that the woman hated her. She had all reasons to. What she didn't know was that Roshni knew about Radhika's pregnancy and when it happened. In one of the functions one of Roshni's friend had made a snide comment about it to Radhika and it was enough to fill her with tears. Radhika didn't want to involve Krish in it but she was so badly insulted that she wanted to see a friendly face. She went around looking for Krish and what she found tore her apart. She saw Krish and Roshni kissing in her room. They both stopped immediately when Radhika walked in. Roshni adjusted her clothes and left the room. Radhika was heart broken. She asked Krish to leave when he came to explain to her. He didn't want to create a scene and left the room. Radhika changed her clothes put on her new nightie and lay on the bed calmly holding her belly. She had to figure out a plan now. She was stupid to believe Krish would ever be into her. He's just with her for the baby. Krish left the part early and come back to talk to Radhika.

She was standing looking outside the window. He turned her around and placed his hands on her belly. She was calm but the tears never stopped rolling down her eyes. He said "She kissed me and I obliged. I had made a commitment to her but When I slept with you and got you knocked up and broke up with her on her birthday, I became a cheater. She harbored this opinion that She lost me because you were slutty enough to trap me. So she wanted to try the same to win me back. I was a cheater and I obliged. I couldn't insult her. You have to believe me and if you can then still believe me cos I swear on our baby that this is the truth". Radhika wiped her tears and said "I know you and I am the reason you became a cheater. I know its not in your character. You are a flirt and a playboy but you would never be a cheater. I slept with another woman's fiancé so I deserver what happened to me. "

He was surprised at her maturity. Radhika had a cramp in her back so he made her sit on the bed. When he was about to get up and go she stopped him by holding his hand. He sat beside her eager to listen to what she had to say. She said "After spending these days with you and your family I have realized how right you always were. I don't fit here and I never will. You don't have to let go of your ambitions because of this accidental pregnancy. You and I living happily forever is a great story but its only possible in a story. Think about it. Don't let an accident ruin your life Krish". She let go of his hand and he left to go back to the party.

Radhika didn't cry anymore. She was finally open to accept the reality. She tried to sleep but she couldn't.

Its 2:00 AM and she still can't sleep. She is a proud tummy sleeper, but she has been strictly advised against it for the last 3 months. "If I could just turn around and fall on my tummy for a slight second then maybe I will be able to sleep. Damn!!". She holds her stomach and curses herself for even thinking about it. After all this twisting and turning in the bed she didn't realize that his face was now only a couple of inches away from hers. She feels his warm breath and opens her eyes. Her eyes meet with his eyes instantly. He is the soundest sleeper she has ever seen. He could sleep through an earthquake. Yet... he was awake tonight... looking at her.

The panic of this proximity sent shivers down her spine. She took a deep breath that only brought her closer to him. To calm her down, I touched her cheek and adjusted her hair around her ear. She closed her eyes and sniffed his hand. He brought his face closer to her face giving her more to sniff. His hands move down rubbing her body and stops on her waist. He pulls her closer to him and she willingly moves. Her one hand still covering her stomach, the other trapped under her. He starts sniffing her face and kissing her neck. He unbuttons her nightie a little so he can have more access to her chest. She puts her hands around him and start rubbing his back under his t-shirt, pulling him closer to her. He rubs her legs to pull his nightie higher and higher. Their legs come closer, and his leg starts occupying the space between hers. His legs enjoy the softness of her juicy thighs. His nose explores the flesh on her chest, he is mesmerized by its milky fragrance... then his lips start to explore every inch of her skin kissing her softly and making it damp... and then his teeth!! They bite a squishy right boob pushed up by her lacy pink bra . "Aah!" she squeals. Its déjà vu! They both realize this and take a pause. He moves his lips on to hers and just when they are about to melt into each other they hear a loud knock on their bedroom door. His brother's voice is heard calling him out. He turns around and yells "abbey sone do.. mujhe nahi aana". They hear few more voices pestering him to come out for a party. He sighs in disagreement and gets out of the bed. She smiles and she covers herself with a blanket. The man was a multitasker, he managed get her half naked without officially undressing her. She turns her face to the other side, and he leaves the room.

When she wakes up in the morning, this man is sleeping by her side with his hand so demandingly covering her slightly swollen pregnant belly. This man is her husband Krish and whom she had seen kissing another woman just yesterday. She places her hand over his and brushes it gently with a smile of confusion on her face.

Radhika wasn't sure about what was running in Krish's mind last night, did he want a final farewell booty call, He has complicated everything with that move. When she tried to move his arm away, he woke up. He held on to her harder and she couldn't move his arm. She nervously giggled and said "What are you doing, I need to get up". He moved his hands up and felt her up saying "aaaah gadrail maal". Her nipples were erect and Krish was taking his time enjoying them. He naughtily said "Let me enjoy them before my baby holds them hostage .. all right I will let you go if you turn around and give me a kiss". She had no idea what had gotten into him. She turned around and he kissed her lips, chin, neck. He pinched her mommy hard nipples and said "meri gadrail maal".

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