The Big Fat Indian Wedding

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Radhika was a simple girl from a middle-class family who joined an IT company along with 700 others in her batch. She was dusky but with sharp and distinct features. She was slightly tall about 5.5 feet and had a slim figure. She was there to start her career but felt lost in the crowd. She was friendly and didn't have any difficulty in making friends. She however was not as carefree as others her age would be. She had a bad breakup in college and was hoping to eventually fall in love again. Of the thousands she saw in the Campus only one man grabbed her attention. She had no idea who he was. By a twisted turn of events, they eventually became friends and would hang out with each other a lot. His name was Krish. He was from an illustrious family in Allahabad. He was not a model kind but he was good looking. He was of average height and built. He looked like a shy distant guy to people who didnt know him very well. But he was very funny, witty to people who did know him. Radhika was smitten by this man. She couldnt believe she liked him this much.  After 4 months of training and friendship and hangouts and dinners and drinks. It was time for Radhika to move to another city, Hyderabad. She was given a transfer to a new project there. She thought it was appropriate to convey her feelings for Krish before she leaves. She had nothing to lose anyway. She did so in a text message at night and went to sleep soundly. The next day she was woken up by his call. She was too scared to pick the call and decided to ignore it. He called again and this time she had to pick. He asked her to meet him in the food court for breakfast. She was too embarrassed to face him and dug her head on the bench and played cool. The truth was.. she was cool.. she liked a guy and she told him and it would be okay if he didn't like her back. Krish liked her too, he had never been with a girl like her. He admired her simplicity and strength of character.  The attraction they had for each other was mutual and they became a thing for the next 4 months. After approximately 4 months they broke up. It was hard for her but she moved on and never contacted him again.

Three years later they met again. This was in Allahabad, Krish's hometown. It was one of his closest friends wedding who was also a very good friend of Radhika. She reached the venue only a day before the wedding. The groom was surrounded by his entire gang of friends with their respective girl friends and there he was.. Krish standing next to his fiancé Roshni. All of them were impeccably dressed. She always knew all these guys belonged to really well-off families. And there she was standing in a simple white salwar kameez with unkept hair from the train. They were all surprised to see her, no one expected she would actually come knowing her past with Krish.

When she got ready in a simple red chanderi silk saree and minimal traditional jewelry that included small gold jhumkis, all she wanted was to make it through the next two days gracefully. When she stepped out, she did grab a few eyeballs and this made her a little uncomfortable. The other girls were dressed in lavish lehengas and designer sarees which made Radhika feel like she might have gone too traditional this time and didn't feel like she was fitting in very well in this circle. She had a good time meeting her old friends however there wasn't anyone she was very close to except the groom who was Krish's best friend. Only when she got lonely did she get flashes of reminders from her past and now present. She recalled how Krish put his face down when she saw them and didn't even have the decency to say "hi" when she came in. She never came face to face with him again this night and to her pleasant surprise, her eyes weren't even looking for him in the party. These thoughts of him made her close her eyes and sigh and when she opened her eyes he was in front of her walking towards her with a pal. When their eyes met, he smiled at her and she smiled back. He made an attempt to talk to her but she didn't wait for his small talk and instead walked away from him. Fighting an urge to turn back to look... After the party was over, she was all set to change and hit the bed when suddenly she got a call from a friend asking her to come down to the bar. She changed into grey tshirt and red track pants and put her glasses on and walked down to the lounge. There was a party happening there. Radhika grabbed a drink for herself and got involved in the conversation. Krish was there with his fiancé. Radhika made sure she will not so much as even look in their direction. When she eventually did, she noticed the fiancé was gone along with other girl friends of the gang and only the original gang was left on the floor. Krish came to talk to Radhika she replied to him politely but soon found an excuse to move away. She had never seen him uncomfortable in all those months she knew him. He looked a little today. She decided that she couldn't care any less. There was one guy Nilesh fluttering around her not being creepy enough for her to be rude. His attention to her was helping her in keeping her distance with Krish.

The next day, Radhika left the hotel in the morning and went sightseeing. She was always fascinated by old cities. She only returned in the evening just in time to dress up for the wedding. A day out in sun made her a little tanned which somehow enhanced her complexion when she wore a black shimmering saree.

That night, she looked hot and she knew it. This was a cocktail party where all the other girls her age were dressed in expensive ball gowns that were puffy and blingy. Radhika's look was bang on! She grabbed more eye balls and this time she knew its not because she underplayed her look. She might have over played her look. She checked in the mirror to see if there was any indication that she looked trampy. "No cleavage seen!" She was good to go. The party was very fancy with drinks and dancing. Radhika did her best to have a blast. She had a few glasses of wine to calm her nerves. Her sexy saree look was definitely standing out and she could feel a lot of attention from men around her. This made her uncomfortable so she excused herself. Just when she came out of the rest room she was ambushed by Nilesh. This time he got creepy. He tried to grab her waist, but she didn't let it happen. She asked him to back off and moved ahead. He caught her saree pallu and this startled her. She walked back toward him and made him let go of her pallu and landed a tight slap on his face. This shocked everyone around. The next person she saw was Krish. She left that place and started moving towards the hotel. Krish was following her and asked her to stop for him. She did. Her face was red with anger. Krish told her that Nilesh was his cousin's husband. She looked irritated and said "I know what you are thinking Krish, but please back off. This is not my fault. I didn't do anything". He looked confused and she stormed out. The next morning, she felt like an outcast. Some people were extra hostile, and some were extra friendly. Those who were extra friendly forced her to come out to visit a nearby temple with them. She was wearing a dark blue suit with a printed blue chiffon dupatta and delicate blue jhumkas to go with it. This was a very well fitting dress but she was completely covered by her dupatta. It was a Devi Maa ka mandir on an isolated hill. The group visited the temple and then got busy in clicking selfies. Radhika had lost interest, so she found a way to excuse herself from all the noise. She was suddenly ambushed, this time not by Nilesh but his wife. She was upset about her husband being slapped by a nobody like Radhika and used the choiciest words to describe her anger and her filthy opinion about her. She claimed that her opinion is based on facts that came directly from Krish who was lucky to have escaped Radhika's trap.

Radhika was furious and walked away towards the wrong direction. She was being followed by Krish who wanted to explain his innocence to her. This frustrated her more. Suddenly the noise become null and the crowd of friends seemed to have left the temple. While they were climbing the hill and Krish was trying to explain his cousin's actions to Radhika. They came across a group of men drinking behind a rock. Their laughter was stopped once they spotted Radhika alone on the hills. She turned around as soon as she looked at them and started running faster once she knew they were following her. She had no idea where she was going, when she decided to stop to check she felt a strong hand bull her arm. It was Krish, he signaled her to run faster. They hid behind a big rock. The sun was almost setting, and they could clearly hear those men chatting. They were in no intention of giving up. Those men were in for an adventure. They started to discuss how they can take turns to fuck this girl tonight. Since she is wearing a sexy tight dress she must be definitely horny. They can satisfy her together. To save time and have more fun, They can multi task by one person doing from front and the other doing from back. This.. when spoken in a native Hindi tongue was the filthiest language Radhika had ever heard. She closed her eyes in fear. She wanted to hold Krish tight and urge him to save her, but she knew it was not her place and it was all her fault. Then they sportively spoke about beating up the guy first, so the girl is convinced of their manhood. She gestured him to go away. He gave her a look miming "Are you nuts!". She came close to him (after 3 years), and whispered in his ear. "It's all my fault. Please go. Don't worry about me, I will survive but I cant let them kill you." and "I will come back to you" and she moved forward towards those men. Before she could take two steps it started to rain heavily, and the men started running down. They heard them say, that they will catch them down.

Radhika was frozen for few minutes. Krish grabbed her hand and they started walking higher up the hill. They were both dripping wet and now the hill was completely dark. They found an old stable filled with hay and grass which was more like fodder for the cows. They decided to wait there until the rain stops. It took Radhika a while to realize and believe that she was now safe. She started the conversation by apologizing to Krish. He seemed really mad and wouldn't budge. She tried to talk to him a couple of times. She was not sure what he was angry about. He wasn't sure either, so he eventually gave in and cracked a joke about gang bang. Initially shocked her but she eventually laughed at his joke and continued. 

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