A Real Fantasy

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Next morning Krish woke up with the sight of Radhika sleeping very close to him. She slept all night in a saree and didn't get a chance to change. When he opened his eyes, the first thing he saw was his bride sleeping beside him in a read saree and her Mangal sutra dangling over her cleavage. She looked beautiful with her bindi spread on her forehead with her hand on her belly. This scene was from his wildest fantasy which he never thought was possible. He was looking at the most beautiful and sexy woman in the world. And that woman was pregnant with his child sleeping beside him. He wanted to have her then and there, this time on his comfortable bed and please her in all the ways he possibly could. These thoughts gave him a hard-on. But as soon as he noticed that she was waking up, He immediately turned away and covered himself with a blanket. The image he had of last night was of him trying to get it on with Radhika and letting go of her when he realized it was inappropriate. The image Radhika had was that of a destressed Krish looking for comfort with her and letting go after losing interest. After she woke up, Krish apologized to her and told her that it wont happen again. Radhika asked him what happened last night and who said what to him. Krish brushed off her concerns and told her that he was simply too drunk and too horny. Radhika came face to face and asked him if that's the truth. He got annoyed at her pestering and told "Do you think we are a real couple? You are not my real wife. Stop behaving like one". Radhika got very angry at his words and yelled at him saying "Then next time you get horny keep your hands off of me". Krish was not hurt by this statement, he was rather amused by her come back.

This fight in the morning brought in more distance in between the already distanced couple. A few hours later when Krish was taking a nap after his afternoon meal. Radhika woke him up. She looked flushed and nervous like she had just seen a ghost. She told him that something is wrong with the baby and that she is bleeding. Krish sprang on his foot at once and took her out to a hospital. On the way, in the car, Radhika was breathing heavily and held her belly tight with fear. He kept looking at her but she never turned towards him. He finally told her that everything will be ok. She looked at him with tears in her eyes and said if this baby is dead then she is going to leave everything and run away from here. Krish felt angry and sad but he decided to not react.

The doctor checked her and the baby and said that everything is ok and it is normal to bleed a little during early months. Radhika gave a wide smile and looked at Krish who was still nervous. She wondered why. Krish asked the doctor if any sexual activity could have caused issues like this. The doctor looked at Radhika and smiled at Krish and said its perfectly normal and since they are a young couple, they should live a normal sex life. She just advised Krish to not be too wild and aggressive and be a more gentle lover. Krish gave a naughty look to Radhika who was already blushing red. While on their way back, the atmosphere was much more chill. Radhika yelled at Krish saying "How drunk were you last night, what do you think happened between us. Well if you don't remember then let me tell you.. nothing happened." Krish replied to her calmly "not nothing.. something happened .. may be not a lot but something". She asked again "what happened last night? You looked so upset". His smile faded as he got serious to reply and said "I kissed you.. it took some convincing, but you kissed me back and very well". Radhika blushed again. Krish continued "and then I kissed your neck and grabbed your...". She closed her yes and said "Stop stop stop". He started laughing loudly and they reached home. 

When they reached home, there were oldies watching an old Hindi Movie.. 'Kya Kehna', this scene was when an unmarried pregnant movie came on stage to tell her story. Radhika was not interested and went into the room to rest. Krish hung out with his mother and aunt and got himself busy on phone. After sometime, his mother called him aside. Radhika had come out to get some water and saw her mother-in-law was yelling at Krish and he was mostly quiet but she was in tears. She didn't want to interfere between mother and son. At dinner, Krish looked upset. His mother was trying to make up for the fight but he looked like he was not happy. The men retired to their rooms and the women hung out a bit longer. When Radhika entered her room she was happy and smiling. Krish was seriously watching some nonsense on the tv and she was in no mood to ask him what was wrong. He suddenly turned off the television. He walked towards Radhika in an attempt to say something but he couldn't pick the words. Radhika now understood that she is somehow involved in what happened with his mother and got worried and asked him what was wrong. He sighed and shut and bolted their room's door. He started talking in a calm tone "I just heard my mother lecture me on how badly I have been treating you. She thinks I trapped you with my charm and got you knocked up". Radhika didn't know what to say. He continued "So apparently you pregnant because you have loved truly but I was just fooling around." Radhika intervened "See that night when Sudha Bhabhi created that scene, All I told ma was that I had no intention to trap you or break your engagement and that ..". Krish cut her in between and this time yelled louder. He said "You think you were a victim because you were in love. You think I fucked you that night because I was horny.. with the thought of watching you being gangraped by those filthy men. You think that turned me on and I took you to a barn to fuck you hard. Do you also think I did this to defile your virginity and increase my score by a point. Do you think I raped you. I know that you are very well capable of thinking the worst about me". Radhika couldn't take that language. She got really distressed and wanted to explain herself to him. He suddenly realized her tension when she was breathing faster and calmed himself down. He walked close to her and held her shoulders and said "That night was the first time I made love to a woman. I hadn't really done it before you nor could I do it after you. So the answer to your question, what I was doing that night is that I was making love to a girl who loved me so much that she would sacrifice herself to save my life. This baby was a result of me making love to you." Radhika was so overwhelmed with emotions; she went numb and turned her face away. He took his phone and left the room. Radhika felt a unique calm after listening to Krish's confession. Even though he was trying to scold her and make her apologetic, she could only feel immense joy in her heart.

When Krish returned to the room at night, Radhika had her reply ready. She had practiced it a dozen times. She stopped him when he was getting into the bathroom and said "That night was the best night of my life. All the turn of events that day overwhelmed us both making what happened inevitable. It was easier for me to move on believing that that night meant nothing to you which is why you were letting me go. It was easier to believe that". Krish didn't know how to react but he understood her plight in blaming him. He replied "oh yeah ok.. but I really need to pee!!". Radhika was dumb struck. 

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