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This isn't one of those happy ending stories. This is the story of how I'm surviving the apocalypse with my brother Dusk. The "zombies" were created by the "cure for cancer."
This cure took the sanity and brain function started to slip and then there body gave up too.
When they finally died (their brain but body didn't); Therefore, they had urges to rip flesh and eat whatever they could.
After they got to a certain point they became I call boneheads which means they got desperate enough to start eating either themselves or Meatbags (name for zombies who haven't gotten to bonehead stage and Meatbags mouths bleed all the time and if their blood got into your system you change into one).
Well I told you every thing but who I am. I'm Dawn I'm 17 and my little Brother Dusk is 13. We are by ourselves because our unlcle Buck died saving us from a pack of Meatbags. I think Dusk blames himself for uncle Buck's death but I blame myself. If I would have listened I would probably have uncle Buck.
Well it was about a year ago when Dusk didn't know what was quite going on yet. Uncle Buck and i tried my best to keep Dusk in the shadow about the zombies until we could find away to the safezone in Washington D.C. but, we had no way to get there so until then we had to survive.
So uncle Buck trained me in shooting a shotgun, pistol and sniper rifle. I was pretty good but now I'm a top shot! Anyways, we kept Dusk in the house and in the yard all the time. The day he rebelled is when uncle Buck died. That's why I think Dusk blames himself. Dusk went to the lake uncle Buck and I use to go to practice my shooting. He went swimming there and drew to much attention to himself. By the time we relized where Dusk was it was too late. He was being swarmed by Meatbags.
We finally got to the lake uncle Buck had the shot gun and i had the pistol. We got to the lake just as Dusk was getting out to run.
Uncle Buck told us to run but I refused to leave him there by himself. He told me to go on the roof and to start to snipe the zombies so he coud have a path back home. But as hard headed and as good as the plan was I didn't listen of course. I got Dusk home and filled my weapons and left to go get uncle Buck.
By time i got there uncle Buck was almost out of ammo so I started shooting and drew attention to me.
I barely put a dent in the swarm. Uncle Buck told me to run so we started towards the house. Of course I would be the cliché and fall while running but I didn't lay there I got up and continued to run. There was a Meatbag right behind me. It grabbed my shirt so I turned around and shot it in the head. After that close call I had got an adrenal rush and made a straight run for the house but stopped to help uncle Buck. But it was useless he ran towards the house with me and threw me in the house. We barricade the front door and back door. He goes to the roof and comes down and says that a city full of Meatbags are coming. So we have to move. Dusk is silent but I know he is in shock. I nodded my head and went to pack all my ammo and weapons I had and packed the remaining clothing i had. We used a car that was almost out of gas to bypass the Meatbags that were outside the house. After that we ran into a pack of Boneheads (Just our luck). The Boneheads are a lot more relentless and savage than the Meatbags. We ended up running out of gas and my uncle pushed Dusk and I in the trunk and told us to wait until he came back. He never did.

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