Chapter 9

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As we enter the store, I see blood splattered among the floors. I pull my machete from the case and hold it in a ready position. I venture around a shelf only to see a corpse leaning against a shelf that has cans on it. I groan inwardly and look back at the boys and nod in the direction of the corpse. I kick a random object at it to try and rile it awake. I can hear the boys gasp in disbelief as I approach the corpse and throw it off the shelf. I grab the cans and throw them into my bag. I motion for them to come and grab some. I move onto the next shelf and see they're empty. I continue to walk isle after isle only finding one or two cans on each.
After I check all the isles, I walk into the back of the store turning on a flashlight sweeping the area. As the lights flash in a corner, someone starts hissing and I hold my machete at the ready. Just as I'm about to swing, I notice that this body hasn't started to decay. I step back and see the persons legs are stuck under some rubble. I turn the blade and lightly tap them. They groan in response and by the sound I can tell it's a man.
"Are you in transition?" I say to the man.
"No." He croaks out."Please help me I've been stuck here for a week." He begs me. This is more time wasted then needed.
"I'll be back. I'm going to get my brother and his idiot friend to help." I say without much emotion. He just starts a string of thank you's as I walk out. I walk towards the boys as they see me approach, Dusk pats me down and inspects me for injuries.
"I'm fine Dusk. Now-" I begin to say before Dusk cuts me off.
"Oh thank goodness. I was worried about you. When I couldn't see you, I started to panic a little. But-" He rambles but it's my turn to cut him off.
"Dusk now is not the time. There's a man stuck in the back who says he isn't in transition and has been laying there for the past week." I say looking up at him. He seems puzzles but nods none the less. I motion for him to follow me into the back. He looks around the man and looking for any angles.
After a few minutes, he snaps like he has an idea and then looks at me.
"Well, I got nothing." He says shrugging his shoulders.
I groan rolling my eyes and sigh. I look for anything to help and see a broken shelf. I pick up the shelf and wedge it under the rubble and use it as a lever. I push down on it only to have it move slightly. Dusk comes behind me and pushes down on it as well and it lift enough for him to move. Just as I was about to stop, the parasite comes and pushes down on it too. And finally it lifts the rubble. I move quickly to pull the man out of the rubble and the rubble falls with a loud thud. Damn it all. That was just a big siren for any meatbags and boneheads in the area.
"We have to move now!" I whisper harshly. Dusk nods his head once and throws the man over his shoulder. I throw the parasite a gun and I take point around the corner. I see a meatbag just drifting in and chop it's head off. I open the emergency exit that leads into an alley and see a fire escape. I motion for Dusk to go up first. He moves around me and starts climbing only using one hand, holding the man with his other. Next, Jason. He stares at me like he's confused.
"Go. I'll be right behind you." I say clearing his mind. He grunts in response and climbs up. I start to climb up only to be tackled down my a bonehead. I use the blade to keep it's mouth from bitting me. The smell of decaying skin making me nauseous and sick.
"DAWN!" I hear Dusk and Jason scream in unison. I use all the strength I have to push it off me and stand. As it charges at me, I duck under it's arms. Before it can retaliate, I swipe my blade at it's neck. Another sucessful decapitation. Just as I was about to run up the latter, another bonehead appears only to be shot down by Jason.
I successfully climb the latter, pulling it up with me.I climb all the way to the top and stop to catch my breath. I look up to see Dusk running towards me. He smacks me upside my head and I look up at him while cringing. I was about to scold him but he wraps his arms around me before I can.
"Dusk-" I begin only to be stopped.
"Dawn don't do that again! You're all I have left in this God forsaken wasteland now. I need you more than anything in the world now. You're my rock Dawn." He says not taking his head on my shoulder. I can feel his body trembling. I run his back soothingly and whisper 'I'm sorry' repeatedly. All the while I can see Jason looking at us awkwardly. I mouth a thank you and continue to sooth Dusk. He nods and goes to check on the old man.
Once I've finally calmed down Dusk. We decide to stay on the roof for the night. I light a few candies to keep our location hidden. We set up camp and the old man still not has awoken. I'm taking the first watch. Dusk has been attached to my hip. He made me stay with him until he fell asleep, which I glady did. I've never seen him this vulnerable. If I seen him doing something like this before I probably would've cried. But like I said; it's simply impossible. I'm sitting up looking over this town. Probably once well populated and an average cliche town. Now a barren wasteland for the vultures.
"Crazy day, huh?" Jason says. I just nod and looking off into the distance. "Well its my turn to take the next shift. Go to sleep." I nod and take my leave. I lay in my sleeping bag and close my eyes slipping into the black abyss.
I'm being woken up by Dusk. He's gently calling my name while shaking my shoulder. I groan holding my head sitting up.
"What is it Dusky?" I say rubbing the sleep from my eyes.
"That's a name I haven't heard in years." An oddly fimilar voice says. I open my eyes, adjusting my vision to see. When I look up, I can feel my heart stop beating and my breathing pick up. That's not possible that can't be...
"Uncle Buck..." Dusk saya finishing my thoughts and looking just as shocked as me. I do the only thing since this thing has started, because it's was simply impossible. My hand flies to my mouth and I hold my breath. Tears roll down my cheeks and the impossible becomes my reality.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 23, 2016 ⏰

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