Chapter Two

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The sun finally rose. Dusk of course, was still asleep. So I thought it would be funny to mess with him.
"Dusk the sun is on fire!" I screamed and shook him awake.
"Dawn! Quick! Stop, drop and roll!" He looks at me then realizes what I said. "Dawn you have 5 seconds to run." If looks could kill I'd be dead on the spot. He started to count down."5..." I've trained him in every hand-to-hand combat (well... Almost every)."4...3...2...1..."
And with that he charged at me with a right hook. He is unaware of the fact I'm still holding some techniques from him. I quickly but smoothly stepped to the side and grabed his arm and wrapped my hands around his forearm. I quickly used his momentum to throw him over my shoulder and slammed him on the ground. And all you heard was a groan of pain.
"Couldn't you have went a little easier on me Dawn?"
"Hmm.... Nah. Then it wouldn't have taught you anything Dusk."
"Awww. Did I hurt poor Dusky?"
Dusk sucks his teeth and rolls his eyes. And with that I head for the punching bag. I walk to down the familiar hallways from only a few hours ago. I hear Dusk calling me but I put in my Mp3 player and listen to the music and ignore him. I walk down the stairs and get into a fighting stance in front of the punching bag. I start off simply with kick boxing techniques and marital arts. As the music starts to drown out my thoughts, all I can see is uncle Buck's face again. I can imagine him smiling and laughing with Dusk and I again. Before I know it, my Mp3 player dies and I am brought back into reality. My face is stained with sweat and I'm breathing heavily and my hands are red. I guess I over did it. My hands are sore and I'm beyond thirsty. I make my way back into the sleeping area where I left Dusk. As I walk back I dont hear anything, so I quickly go and get the black gloves with no finger tips and put them on. Dusk is already worrying too much and I don't want another reason for him to worry. He has grown up so much in the last year. I start to get changed into my normal day attire. I notice that Dusk was still missing so I decided to wait. I sit on the couch Dusk laid on last night. I slowly closed my eyes and fall into a much-needed sleep.
I woke up to dusk shaking me screaming something but I was too tired to listen.
"Dawn I found an abandoned check point." After hearing these words, I automatically snap my eyes open.
"You heard me. An abandoned military check point."
"Are you sure there is anything in there?"
"I looked in the window and saw guns and ammo and..."
"Ugh.... I hate killing Boneheads. They are so resilient."
"I know but we're running low on weapons Dawn."
"I know, I know... I have an idea." I smirk and look at Dusk and he looks back with worry in his eyes.
"No Dawn... Whatever it is no."
"But Dusky..."
"Fine... What is it."
I smirk. "Dusk your going to be bait and I'll get the weapons."
"Hell No Dawn!" He says screams at me and I began to pout my lip out and widen my eyes. He sighs and agrees. I smile and grab my bag.
"Well Dusky, lead the way..."
We walk out the house and I follow Dusk to path and we walk in silence until we see a gas station. I run in the store and start searching for some batteries for my Mp3 player. While I look around I turn to find a Meatbag is right behind me I start to panic. I'm backed into a corner. I quickly grab my knife out of my boot and throw it at its forehead. It hits the Meatbag and the Meatbag instantaneous drops when the blood starts to leak. I grab my knife and go to grab something to clean it. I finally see the batteries and grab them and run out. Dusk's face is painted painfully with worry.
"Did you run into trouble?"
"Yes I did but i handled it."
"Alright come on." He pulls my hand along the barren highway as we get close to the check point I pull out my pistol and get ready for the worst.

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