Chapter 7

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I open the car and inspect then inside. It looks like a four-seater pick up truck. It still had a little over a three quarters tank of gas left in it.
"Look at what mama found!" I refer to myself in third person.
"An old pick up truck? Really Dawn?" Dusk says a little sarcastically.
"Correction: A car with gas."
His eyes widen in excitement when I say this.
"NO MORE WALKING!" He fist pumps and shouts in joy. I laugh a little at him. Sometimes its good to see him act like a normal teen.
"I hate to be ruin this little love fest, but what if the car doesn't start up?" Jason says interrupting. I turn and suck my teeth. I get in the car ant try to start it up. It doesn't work the first time... Or the second.... Or third... I almost give up hope and I try one more time... And it starts up I throw my stuff in the back seat. Dusk being quick enough to hop in the front seat.
"How come Dusk gets to ride up front?" Jason whines.
"Because he got there first." I say in a duh type tone. Jason starts mumbling stuff about him being older so he should be driving.
"If you have a problem you can walk..." I say coldly. He huffs and sits back. After a while about an hour of driving the parasite starts to get annoying.
"I have to go to the bathroom." The parasite whines.
"You should have went before we started driving." Dusk says.
"But I gotta go..." Jason continues to whine.
"Don't make me come back there..." Dusk says. He sound like an old man when he said that. I snicker at him.
"What are you laughing at?" Dusk says annoyed.
"You, obviously."
''Obviously, bu-."
"Then why ask?"
"BURN!" Jason screams. Dusk catches an attitude and does what Jason did when he wanted to ride up front.
After a couple of hours, we reach the state lines and we make it to Nevada.
A rare smile graces my usually grim face. I quickly decompose my face when I look down and notice we only have a quarter tank left and look over to see Dusk and Jason still asleep. I continue to drive hoping to at least by pass into a town. I wake up Dusk and the parasite by screaming.
"What is it Dawn?" They say in unison.
"We made it to Nevada. And-"
"Really?" They say still in unison.
"And we are almost out of gas." I say tragically.
They sigh and groan while I just roll my eyes. I take an exit hoping to find a place to stay. I look ahead watching storm clouds gather and it sends a shiver down my spine. I'm so focused on finding a place that I don't hear Dusk calling my name.
"...Dawn... Dawnie... DAWN!" When Dusk screams my name I snap back into reality.
"What?!" I scream back a little annoyed.
"Where are we going?"
"I don't know... just looking for a place to crash." I say shrugging my shoulders as he nods. The car runs out of gas in front of an old house. I grab my bags and pull the machete from the case. I rummage through the my bag and pull out a flash light. I approach the door with machete and my flashlight in each hand. I kick the door open and Meatbag charges out the door. I swiftly step back and Dusk readies his gun. I drop the flashlight as I swing my blade. It's head drops in front of me as it body falls backwards. I pick up the flashlight and walk into the rickety house searching for any other Meatbags or Boneheads. After I do a thorough search, I claim a room upstairs away from the two idiots. The lightning strikes and I flinch in panic. I know the almighty warrior Dawn... is afraid of lightning. Dusk doesn't know about it. Uncle Buck always helped me through the storms. That's why I didn't bother Dusk with it. It strikes again and I rush for the closet door with my mp3 player. I play some music and close my eyes. After a while, I forget my fear and relax. But as if life was mocking me, my mp3 player died. I gasp as the lightning strikes and thunder follows. I start rocking as the breath in my throat starts to catch. I began to hyperventilate as I waver in my stature. That's when someone opens the door and grabs me. Embracing me in a steady rocking motion.
"It's alright Dawn... I'm here for you..."

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