Prologue: Show's Over

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A pen writing across a sheet of paper. A clock ticking on the wall of a small office. Three occupants, a petitioner and a husband and wife. Or, in a few moments former husband and wife.

"As of March 23rd on this year are the married couple present today still in agreement that the decision to move forward with this?" A female petitioner with long red hair asked to the Bakugo couple who were seated on the other side of desk. On said desk was a dreaded sheet of paper that has been long thought of and long feared for a while now, today becoming more of a reality than the couple would have preferred. "That the two of you are in unanimous agreement to sign this document agreeing to your new marital status?"

Both Mitsuki, dressed in a black button up long sleeve with pencil skirts stockings and heels, and Masaru wearing an all black suit gave uneasy looks to each other, hesitant for the both of them to say what they want to say yet knowing this was a few years coming. A divorce.

Ever since the death of their son Katsuki Bakugo and Edgeshot's failure to resuscitate him during the last great battle, things have slowly but evidently taken a steady pace downhill in terms of status and connection between the Bakugos. There were no arguments, no outbursts no yelling at each other like other couples might do when having a fallout in their relationship but even with the absence of unceasing yelling and heated anger, the evidence of a loss in love was still there. The warmth of a once colorful and vibrant home now turned into a silent residence with dull colors and grey colored skies. From the death of their son, to the death of their spark.

It wasn't just because of the son's death that the husband and wife's love were waning for each other. No, this stemmed back to even the early childhood days of their offspring. Ever since Katsuki's Quirk came into play and the spoils of affection and awe showered on him, Mitsuki became worried that the drunkenness of his Quirk combined with the spoiled privileges from those around him would breed a child only focused on them and them alone. If it didn't have anything to do with them then what was the point of even bothering with it kind of mindset. She wasn't stupid, she saw how Katsuki reveled in the eyes and cheers of his peers and how it tainted him at such a young age. He became cocky and stupid, brash with a hair trigger of showing out his ego even when the time least called for it.

Mitsuki wanted somebody along the lines of a therapist, but not entirely. Not somebody who was classified as a therapist or psychiatrist just somebody who would be there to help guide her son to a more well-mannered and calmer state that didn't revolve around his Explosion Quirk. Somebody who could show that not everybody would pamper him and shower him with words of appraisal on how strong his Quirk is or how amazing of a hero he's going to be when he gets older. She's not saying they should demean him into thinking he can't be a great hero obviously but just wanting to have the right person to speak with him and push away that brash idiocy of youth. She tries her best at home but as for the other side of the loving couple, their viewpoint was a little different on the state of their son.

For Masaru, he did not want that sort of therapist around for the fear that Katsuki would instead take his loud mouthed abarasiveness and turn it against that person. The shame and disappointment the father would feel knowing that his son was responsible for quite possibly making that person's life more of a hell than what it already was would be the death of him. And it's not that he and his wife didn't try to do anything about it either, because they certainly have tried many MANY times in the past to get their son Katsuki into toning it down. They've tried speaking with him several times and for a short while those talks did manage to stick to him for a good little bit after they occurred, about a good week or so where it gave them hope in seeing that his behavior might improve. But hope turned into false hope when his usual abrasiveness would come swarming back before they knew it and their attempts at making their son a kinder person went straight down the drain.

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