VI: An Amazing Woman

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"Hrmmm..." Midoriya hummed in concern as he peered through a window from the outside to look within at an empty office. With rain gently pouring from the grey skies and tapping against the glass to fall in sheets the hero grew worried at how empty and sad looking the dark office has been for the past three days now before he turned away to face the open world. A gentle push from his palms and soles of his feet was enough for the hero to float over the landscape of the city below, the rain tapping across the flat of his back and smoothing clean off the sides of his gloves and shoes. "Still isn't there."

'Maybe she's on lunch break.'

'I would think so too Fifth but, after what happened with her and Kacchan's room a few days ago something tells me she's taking more than just a simple lunch break. She hasn't been at work for three days now she could get fired for her absences.'

'You're not gonna go see her?'

'I would but, I dunno if that would be the right choice to make considering how close we are to each other. I remember a long time ago Auntie said to me that I was like the second son she never had, and I feel like if I go check on her after what happened recently it would spur something really upset in her for losing her real son. But at the same time, I don't wanna leave her by herself either. Hrmm I don't know...What do you think Nana? You're the mom here what do you think would be the right decision to make?'

'Well it's not easy but sometimes as the hero you have to-'

"AH-CHOO!" Midoriya bucked mid-flight after a shotgun splatter of a sneeze rocked his head back to front, sniffling as he rubbed a forearm over his nose to clear any goop that may have exited. 'Sorry about that, you were saying?'

'As the hero you have to get out of the rain first and foremost you're gonna catch a cold if you stay in it for too long. And secondly when it comes to her, there's not much that could be done with what she's dealing with aside from facing the music and keep pushing forward. She hasn't been in the room of her dead son for a long time now, those are feelings that were once bottled up and stored away that all of a sudden come crashing down over her when she steps back into that room. We spend so much our loves and energy loving and caring for something that came out of us that when it's all of a sudden taken from us and gone forever, a part of us dies too.

It's the same for when I had to give up my son to a foster family after All For One killed my husband. Having to push away Kotaro forever for his own safety and acting like he doesn't exist in my life anymore, it's no different than if he would have died too. All For One wasn't going to stop, I knew I would never be able to see Kotaro again for the time I was alive. He died in a sense, the same way Bakugo died and your Auntie is stuck with the grief that is still there after these several years. Plus with the divorce and moving out on her own, it gets difficult. Work would be the last thing on her mind from all that's happening.

I know there could be an aspect of it being awkward but are you really going to allow something awkward bar you from checking on her? Aside from your mother, as far as I'm aware you're the closest she has when it comes to loved ones. Preferred to have her spirits lifted sooner rather than later, and take it from a mom, topics revolving around our children especially dead ones are topics that dig deep into our system. She could use some company with a good ear and heart.'

Midoriya nodded. 'I understand. Then once I'm done with this patrol, I'll go check on her to see how she's doing. I just hope she isn't sulking too hard that it interferes with her healt-AH-CHOO!"

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