IX: Grown Up

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"Coming!" Midoriya's mother answered to the knocks on her apartment door, rising from the living room to shuffle her way towards the entry way. Both slippers dragged and slid with every step she took all the way up to her door where she leaned up onto her toes and peeked through the door, a grin forming on her face while unlocking her door. Twisting and opening the entrance to her apartment the woman stepped back to reveal her son standing right outside with a tired smile on his face, his shoulders drooping with hands stuffed into the pockets of his black sweatpants. "Izukuuuu hey!"

"Hey Mom, sorry for popping up unannounced like this." The son greeted. "But I was wondering if you have a moment right now or maybe sometime later? There's something I need a little help on."

"Suuuuure sure sure come on in. Oh you know this apartment is never against unexpected company, the good kind anyways. Come come." The mother turned to shuffle back inside as the son entered his former apartment and shut the door behind him, removing his shoes and placing them aside for now. "Oh it's so good to have you back home for a little bit, reminds me of when you would come back home from school."

"Yeah. Somewhat."

"Would you like some tea? I just made a fresh pot minutes ago oh it's very soothing."

"No I'm alright Mom thanks, just a glass of water is fine nothing else."

The mother fetched a glass cup out from the cupboard and ran it under a special tap next to the kitchen sink for clean water, filling it up to the 80% mark and shutting the tap. Her son dragged a chair out from the kitchen table and took his seat as she then placed the cup under a dispenser in the fridge for some ice cubes. She then placed the water in front of him before taking her own seat on his left, a worried look painting on her face after seeing the discoloration around his eyes. "Oh goodness Izuku, have you not been sleeping lately? A ghost seems a lot livelier than you do."

"Hmph, well funny enough this little thing I have going on at the moment is kinda preventing me from getting any sleep." The son explained. "Kinda nervous for the next time I decide to stay too long in my dreams for what they might bring."

"Why do you say that?"

"Huhhhhh Mom I.....tchughhh, okay look just, hear me out for everything I have to say and please PLEASE don't think I'm weird Mom. I-It just happened and, a-and it's not like I wanted this to happen on purpose it just happened out of the blue and so suddenly and I don't know what to do."

"Did you kill someone?"

"WHAT?! I'm a hero Mom please I'm serious!"

"Oh sorry, just the way you were talking made it seem like you accidentally killed somebody while doing your duties. Thankfully you didn't. Anyways go ahead and tell me what's been bothering you."

"Alright." The son began. "It was a few days after we all went to Kacchan's house, by then I noticed Auntie hadn't been going to work because of what happened in his room. So I went to go check on her and she seemed terrible, depressed she was drinking so much wine it was about the only thing I could smell in her breath. She had Kacchan's baby picture book as well which led me to believe all she'd been doing for those days was stay inside and practically drink herself away, so I took care of her for the day I went to go visit. I didn't do much really she was out like a light when I put her in bed.

After that, she wanted to thank me the next day by taking me out to eat for dinner that evening. She kept teasing me about it being a date that wasn't a date so to this day I'm not sure what to call what our little outing was. When I went to her apartment to meet up with her, something changed. She was wearing this dress that looked so great on her ough it was so nice on her."

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