Epilogue: The Story

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(Several Months Later)

"Aaaaaand, yeah. That's, pretty much what all happened within the past few months between Mitsuki and I. Our relationship's been going great, really great as a matter of fact and I'm really excited to see what else is waiting for us.

As far as your dad, the last time I heard from him he was doing really well over in the United States. He loves his job he loves the people he works with, he even said he's met somebody nice over there that he's been speaking to a lot recently. I don't know much about her, Mitsuki says she's keeping her eye on her to make sure she doesn't try to pull anything crazy with your dad heh. I doubt she's doing so all the time but then again, it's Mitsuki I'm talking about here, she probably would. I hope whatever your dad ends up at in the end he's happy for the changes he went through, though you'd probably know that before I do. Keep an eye on him too, if you can.

Oh! You remember the last time I came here I told you about Yaoyorozu and Kirishima right? They're gonna be teachers at U.A! Kirishima's gonna help out with the combat period and Yaoyorozu's gonna start out as an assistant for Snipe in the third year roster. It's, a little weird. They're both 19 years old and having to teach a class full of students who are a year or so younger than them certainly might not garner them the respect a regular teacher would. But I'm excited for them, I'm hoping to see where they up at on the faculty roster later down the line. That, and also hoping Kirishima can actually manage to have a good curriculum for them.

All Might's doing well, he's been trying to keep himself active even though Recovery Girl says he should take it easy. It's still scary to think back on how close he was to being ripped in two by All For One, I know I shouldn't think about it from time to time but it's just one of those things where you're laying in bed looking up the ceiling and...it just comes to you, nothing you can do about it really. And it's another scary bit to think how another All For One or another Shigaraki could be out there somewhere, Quirks are getting stronger with each generation after all. One of these days, somebody's going to show up, and we can only hope that we're ready to face them when they do.

Well, that, and hope on my end that I'm ready to face whatever this relationship between Mitsuki and I brings along. You know it's weird, it's been almost two weeks since Mitsuki and I moved in with each other and I still wake up sometimes thinking it's just me. Then I roll over, see her next to me and I get scared cause my mind still hasn't adjusted to the fact that there's two of us now. There's gotta be a way for me to cram that fact in there cause I can't keep being startled like that in the mornings, makes me look dumb.

Looking back on us, some things went a little too fast in my opinion. Well, I say little when in reality I should probably say they went really fast at the beginning of our relationship. I was worried at some points, I thought our love was going to be used up all at once and that nothing was going to be left over later. But, that's not what's happening. If anything I wake up every morning and find myself finding even more things to like about her. That probably sounds a bit corny, but it's true. If only you were able to have a relationship of your own you'd understand. Who would you have ended up with though? Hmm, maybeee....someone in our class? Don't know which one though, you never really showed any interests for stuff like this.

I'm gonna look out for her, whatever the case may be. Whether she's happy sad upset or not feeling well, I'm gonna be there for Mitsuki and make sure she doesn't feel alone for even a second. I know you wouldn't want her to feel alone so, I'll do my best to make sure she isn't."

Midoriya removed the wilting flowers in the pot built into the grave and replaced with a fresh bouquet of beautiful ones, brushing a few dead laws over the gravestone so the name and details may become visible. Looking over the name and picture of Katsuki's grave the young man smiled before it fell into a thinking frown and scratched his cheek. "Actually, now that I think about I know Mitsuki and your dad said there was no need for me to do so, but I'd still like to since I feel like there was a small line I crossed. I never mean to disrespect you in any sort of way, I hope you know that. But in any case that you feel like I'm bothering you with anything about our relationship, I'm...sorry I took your mother? That's okay right?"


Midoriya flinched at the sound of two vehicles crashing into each other, looking to his right and finding a small incident of a head-on collision on the road. Citizens nearby the scene flocked towards the vehicles as the young man nervously chuckled and scratched the back of his hair in uncertainty.

"Heh, r-right. Point taken, sorry."

The End

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