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The backstory.
{Y/N 2nd POV}

Sigh~ Another boring day in the sewers.

You had gotten use to it. Living in the sewers in secret, basically all alone. It wasn't necessarily bad but it wasn't exactly good.

Growing up here felt like being in a cage. You weren't allowed outside or beyond certain parts of the sewers. Your father didn't allow you to. Well— he's not exactly your father since he's a rat and well, you're a turtle, but he cared for you. He gave you food, shelter, clothing, and books. You felt privileged to even have these things... you felt fortunate.

You never asked for much. I mean, it wasn't like you knew about anything from the outside world. Everything just seemed so simple.

Four mutant turtles also raised by your father lived in the same sewers, never aware that you existed.

At one point in your childhood, you got a little curious and decided to go past the areas your father specifically said not to go past. You were just going to explore for a little bit, it wasn't like there would be anything interesting other than more tunnels. Boy how you were wrong.

You saw them. You found out that there were more mutants just like you. Right in front of you were turtle mutants with different colored masks. It seemed so surreal to look at them since the only people you've ever known was your father and random humans in photos.

Father eventually found out you snuck out and had no choice but to tell you about them. Raph, Leo, Mikey, and Donnie were their names.

You always went back there to watch them from afar and, well, there was nothing Splinter could really do. Everyday you would climb in a vent or stay in a blind spot to see what your brothers were up to. These turtles were the only other beings you've seen in person other than Splinter.

It was nice to just sit back and have people chatting in the background while you just thought. Splinter was always busy or tired so you barely spent time with him. It was just so lonely. When you found about the turtles, something inside you lit up. You felt excited.

Years went by following your routine of visiting the turtles. Things were just fine as it was.

Discontinued. ⚠️ "The Inner Demon (Donnie x Reader)"Where stories live. Discover now