Chapter 3

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"The Figure Dressed In White"

Warnings: Violence
{Y/N 1st POV}

The sound of the hardcover books falling echoed throughout the sewer tunnels.

And there I stood.

He stared at me, eyes wide open.

I just ran. I fucking bolted.

There were fast footsteps behind me. My head was pounding. Everything was starting to feel distant again.

SHIT! Not again, not again, not again!

I had to get out of here, fast. I quickened my pace, running two times faster now. It did not matter if my legs hurt. All that mattered was that I had to lose him.

I heard some mechanical noises. I know that sound. I've heard it many times before. Donnie was wearing his battle shell.

I could feel him gaining on me until I saw up ahead was a dead end. No. This can't be.

Was this really the end?

My horns grew. Darkness overtook my body.

The demon was here.


{Donnie 1st POV}

Standing in front of me was a 10-foot shadowy creature towering above. I took two steps back to re-evaluate.

But I couldn't even get a chance to think. The creature lunged at me, its arm attacking. I managed to dodge and block the first few attacks with my bō staff but it only gained speed.

Its form looked unstable as if it was fighting for its life to keep together. Two long black horns stuck out, on the top of the creature's head, above the two glowing eyes glaring at me.

I gulped.

Pressing a button on my staff, which activated the flame thrower, I aimed it at the creature. Fire blazed towards it. The beast screeched loudly and backed away a bit.

Ouch... loud. Well, now I know it doesn't like fire.

I went to attack it again with its new-found weakness but my staff stopped working for some reason...

The creature had recovered by then and threw its arm at my chest, throwing me on the floor. I was now immobilized and could barely breath. Great.

The only way to get this thing off of me was to push it off, but that wouldn't be possible because who knows how much it weighs. The only other way is to immobilize it as well, but that would require it to fall asleep.

Wait. That was it!

While the creature was about to throw its final attack, I took an instant sleeping injection pin, that I designed, from the pocket of my belt and slapped it into the arm on top of me. It might not work but it was worth a shot.

But that's when I realized it wasn't a sleeping injection that I placed, but a plain old tracking device. Damn it!

I looked up, watching the attacking arm come closer and closer. Was this it?

Would I die here in the sewers without anyone knowing where I am? And only because I chased after a random white figure that turned out to be a killer demon of some sort.

I clenched my teeth and closed my eyes.

Nothing happened.

After a few seconds, I cautiously opened my eyes.

The creature was stood still over me. I could have sworn I seen pupils in it's eyes but my vision started to get blurry.

Before I knew it, the demon got off of me and ran away.

I got up and gasped for air. Thank god that it didn't want to kill me, but why? What just happened?

Wait! I put a tracker on it.

I opened my GPS to locate where the creature went, and hopefully nowhere near my brothers.

I brushed myself off and followed the creature's tracks. So far it didn't seem like it was going anywhere near our lair so that's good. After a few minutes of walking, the tracker on my GPS seemed like it came to a stop.

Now I was walking slower and cautiously. I mean yes I'm trying to get close to something that just tried to kill me but what else could I do? I couldn't just leave it in the sewers where I live.

The GPS led me to a door that I've never seen before. Was this a sign of shelter?

I opened the weak looking door slowly and of course it had to make a loud creepy creaking noise...

It was pitch black.

I squinted, tip toeing a few steps into the room to try and get a better look.

It was a mess; torn up books and random items on the floor.

And then there was an unconscious figure dressed in white lying on the floor.


A/N: I can see yall skipping the backstory but whtever 🙄❤️ also sorry for the late update. Something came up

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