Chapter 29

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"Hey cute stuff!" I called through my car window.

"What are you doing here?" Chase asked rerouting from his walk to his car to me, "It's late."

"I wouldn't pass up on an opportunity to go on a date with my man," I grinned.

"Normally, I wouldn't say no, but it's been a pretty long day. I don't wanna bring your spirits down," he told me leaning against the open window.

"That's why I'm here," I stated. Chase had told me that filming had been rough today so I had decided to take it upon myself to make him feel better, "We'll be out here filming tomorrow anyways, so just come with me."

"Are you sure?" He asked.

"Chase, if you don't get in this damn car I will pull you through that window myself," I said sternly.

He smiled slightly before getting in. He didn't make any comeback though, that's how I knew he wasn't feeling well. I pulled out of the parking lot and grabbed his hand while we drove to our first destination. It was pretty late so one of the only places to get some dinner was a pizza place. I had called ahead and left Chase in the car once we parked before returning with the pizza.

"I hope you like pepperoni and sausage," I said excitedly and he smiled nodding his head. There, we were getting somewhere. I drove back to the apartment complex and headed up to our floor. "Alright, I'm gonna need you to go get your swimsuit and meet me down at the hot tub."

"Really?" Chase asked.

"Yeah, it'll make you feel better," I stated before he went on his way to his apartment. I went into my room and put on my green bikini and grabbed a few towels for us. I threw some sweatpants and got some wine from the fridge with two cups before heading down. Chase wasn't there yet so I quickly dropped the pizza by the edge of the hot tub and the cups before setting the towels on a nearby chair. I heard Chase open the gate to the pool area as I was taking off my sweats. "It's cold, it's cold, it's cold," I shivered before running to the hot tub and getting in quickly.

Chase did the same as I opened to wine bottle pouring us each a glass, "Come on in, bubs." He entered the hot tub sitting down, shivering as I handed him a cup. He took it, taking a drink before setting it beside him and I handed him a slice of pizza. "Sorry, I forgot the plates."

"That's alright, thank you," he smiled slightly.

I grabbed a slice for myself before sitting in the corner beside him, he was still pretty silent but I knew he'd open up when he was ready. Once finished I grabbed my cup and turned to put a leg out across his lap and tilted my head back to look at the stars. We sat in comfortable silence both looking up at the sky and decompressing from the day. Come December, it had gotten pretty chilly in Charleston and it was taking a toll on everyone. We had a lot of outdoor scenes and in the swamp so it was bringing the group morale down a bit. Particularly in the scene tomorrow where we'd have to be in the water. We had been filming in the swamp the past week or so. Chase hadn't been feeling the best either as he might have been coming down with a cold from being in the water so much.

I got up to fill my cup once it was empty and took Chase's as well before handing them back to him.

"Thank you for this," he finally spoke as I sat back down.

"Anything for my love," I smiled scooting closer to him so that we were shoulder to shoulder.

"I know it's been a shitty few days with this weather and filming and such for you too," he told me.

"I'm doing alright, I'd much rather take care of you," I answered putting a hand on his knee and rubbing my thumb on it, "We all got our good days and bad days. And you've been there for me always and I love any chance I get to be there for you."

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