Chapter 2

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"Over here!" Maddie called as Chase and I made our way outside the bar to some picnic benches that had set up outside.

I threw my leg over the bench and sat down beside her and Chase sat on my other side. I handed Maddie the food and drinks she ordered as we waited for the rest of the group to join.

"This sucks. We won't get to come here dancing at all," she said sadly.

"I know, it sucks. At least they're still open," I responded.

"And it's kinda fun to sit outside and watch the ocean," Chase added and I nodded in agreement.

The rest of our group joined and we started eating. As we sat, I noticed some looks from nearby tables as they seemed to be watching us. I caught a guy's eye as he and his friends all huddled together immediately and were talking in hushed tones.

"Y'all are noticing the staring right?" Drew asked.

"Definitely," I nodded still watching their table. Chase followed my gaze as a few other tables followed suit and glanced quickly at us.

"I guess this is what happens when you have famous Netflix show," Rudy stated.

"It's a bit weird," Maddie agreed, "They all seem to know everything about everything or at least they think they do."

"I had this one girl who literally ran through traffic to stop me on the sidewalk," JD told us and we laughed.

"There was this one fan that had noticed me in my car while driving and was literally hanging out the window and I thought they were going to crash," Maddie told us.

"You should tell them about the one we had in Burbank," Chase nudged me and I groaned.

"Ooh, what happened?" Elaine asked as everyone turned to me.

"We were out walking just to get out and have some fresh air and we were immediately bombarded by this group of girls," I explained.

"Probably like freshmen in college," Chase added and I rolled my eyes.

"So big John B. fans," JD laughed.

"Oh yes, big John B. fans," I sighed, "Basically there were all over Chase and we were trying to back away cause like...COVID."

"You're missing out the best part," Chase grinned.

"They ignored me completely until they asked me to take a picture of all of them together," I rolled my eyes.

"What?" Maddie laughed.

"They did that?" Rudy asked, "It's okay, I'd take a photo with you."

"That's so dumb," Elaine agreed.

"I mean I don't care but it was kinda weird," I shrugged.

"They're just jealous," Chase said wrapping arm around my neck and pulling me into him.

This was obviously something we had already talked about and had thought would happen when the show came out. With the release of the show came a large following that hadn't even heard of Outer Banks until after it came out. All the girls absolutely swooned over John B. which obviously turned to Chase. This also brought on more hate when they found out we were dating in real life but with the support of Chase I was able to avoid the hate unlike last time. Like the time when someone had commented on a photo of Chase and I together on his Instagram. Some dude posted a nasty comment asking Chase if he piped Sarah Cameron in real life? Chase responded saying that he should have more respect for women and that we don't talk like that in the big boy world. This made me laugh but after a while we realized it wasn't even worth it to respond.

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