Meet My OCs (Their Forms for entering the RP)

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Name: Experiment N.X. 3, or her self given name Nova.

Nickname: Lynx

Age: 16

Sexuality: Demi-sexual

Gender: Demi-girl

Species: artificial hybrid.

Blue/gold hazel eyes. Choppy, redish-brown hair hair. 5'. If you look closely, you can see underweight. Unfortunately, her experiment tag and other basic info is tattooed on her wrist. Her nails and teeth are sharper then a normal humans. Her eyes will glow like a cat's if hot with light. She also has a Lynx tail, and short, fluffy, pointed ears, but doesn't like it when it's brought up.

Ripped, white, stained, t-shirt. There's a choppy scissor cut section right by the back of the neck where her experiment tag used to be. She wears ripped jeans that are dark from mud. She also wears a pair of worn combat boots, as well as a worn brown hoodie.

Mask: a Lynx mask (will tag a picture later.)

Enhanced senses.
Good at lying, but hesitates to manipulate people (unless she deems them awful).
Night Vision.
Can climb/scale things pretty well.
Good with knives and daggers.

Likes: Cats, light blue, any other blue, pillows, hoodies, leather jackets, combat boots, drawing, stories, sweets, rain, puddles.

Dislikes: ghouls, robots, scientists, being hugged without permission, being yelled at, pools of water.

Pets: None.

Background: She was originally sold by her family along side her older brother, Divakar, to be slaves for money. Eventually, the family they were working for started to lose money and sold them again to some scientists to be experimented on.
They managed to escape the scientists after a few years, but not unchanged. Now they are artificial hybrids of the animals they bare the names of.

Main talent: Pick-pocketing, but she considers herself a Jack of all trades.

Name: Experiment D.X 7, or his self given name Divakar.

Nickname: Leo

Age: 18

Sexuality: Pansexual

Gender: Demi-Boy

Species: artificial hybrid.

Dark brown hair, with red tints, very floofy. Brown eyes. His experiment tag and other basic info is tattooed on his wrist. He also has sharper teeth and nails. He has a loin's tail, and his ears are rounder than a normal humans. His eyes glow like a cat's if you hit them with light.

Clothes: Ripped, white, stained, t-shirt. Couldn't be bothered to rip his experiment info off of the back. Sports a pair of tennis shoes, and some jeans. Has a jacket.

Mask: a Leo mask (will tag a picture later.)

Enhanced senses.
Can climb/scale things pretty well.
Can run pretty fast.
Can shoot a gun.
Night vision.
Good at sensing when something's up.
Pickpocketing (not as good as Nova).

Likes: the color blue, a dry place to sleep, enough money to keep Nova alive, the rain, reading, writing.

Dislikes: being told what to do, dying, bullies, the color red, rice, bugs.

Pets: None.

Background: He was originally sold by his family along side his younger sister, Nova, to be slaves for money. Eventually, the family they were working for started to lose money and sold them again to some scientists to be experimented on.
They managed to escape the scientists after a few years, but not unchanged. Now they are artificial hybrids of the animals they bare the names of.

Main talent: Lock picking.

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