Chapter 7- Goodbye

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It was a long, restless night after receiving the news.

Devastated is an understatement. I thought for sure he'd be there, cheering us on for the mission. I thought he could pull through, last just a little longer, celebrate with us..

I adjust my tie and stare at myself in the mirror. The eyebags the size of suitcases can be excused on this occasion I hope. At least my suit is immaculate for now.

I trudge outside and reluctantly make my way to the graveyard.

We stand in line, facing the casket as the sun sits just above the horizon. The sun beams on the pristine white headstones which sit in perfect lines on the brilliant green grass. A serene environment. A place of rest. A perfect farewell for an incredible man.

Gunshots are fired, the flag is folded and handed over. The Last Post sounds through the vast space. Maverick approaches the grave and removes a pin from his blazer, places it on the casket and hammers it in with his fist in unison with the final gunshots. He salutes his friend with tears in his eyes as the rest of us join.

I can barely hold myself together but I can't break down here, not now. Not with everyone around.

I keep it together while the planes fly and the funeral concludes but remain frozen in place, staring straight ahead. Everyone else leaves.

I fall to my knees, still in complete disbelief. Tears roll down my cheeks.

"Goodbye Iceman."

I stand and turn around to see Bradley watching me. He approaches silently and engulfs me in a hug.

I finally let go, water pours from my eyes. I feel stupid and weak. He only tightens his grip and pulls me further into his chest.

"I can't get any closer.." I force out, allowing a chuckle to escape my lips.

"If I could I'd be stuck in your chest cavity by now." I finish.

He laughs breathily and releases his grip a little, moving to look me in the eyes.

"You still wanna go through with this mission right?"

I gently push him off me.

"He wouldn't want me to quit on his account, he'd want me to use it."

"Oh thank god- we were all scared you'd leave us to hang-"

I laugh, allowing a smile to break through my ice cold expression.

"You do know who I am right? This mission is near impossible."

"Yeah, yeah I get it- your callsign is Icarus because you're crazy."

I chuckle again.

"Oh I'll show you crazy-"

"You mean you haven't already?" He smirks cheekily.

I take one last look at the plot of land, reminding myself he isn't down there. He isn't here anymore. He's somewhere else.

Even the most scientific of minds can't deny that there has to be something else, our energy has to go somewhere. Because energy can't just disappear, but it can transform.

I turn away slowly, smiling, finding comfort in knowing he won't suffer anymore.
Bradley turns and follows me out of the graveyard.

The mission is soon, I can change the- grief I guess- into something else. Fuel myself with it. God I'm making myself cringe with this sappy shit but grief is a weird thing. It consumes everyone at some point but it's what we do with that hurt that matters.

You can let yourself rot in a depression pit or you can put that energy into something else, art, sport, anything. In my case- because I'm a super cool naval aviator- into a suicide mission.

"I'm starving." I state out of the blue.

Rooster chuckles, evidently not expecting that to be the thing I break the silence with. But can you blame me?

"Me too- I skipped breakfast to get ready."

"Well let's go back to my place and I'll make us a-"

I check my watch..

"2pm breakfast."

Words: 648
Honestly that chapter was awful and rushed but I'm not doing the best and I'm ill again- but I will try to make up for it in the next one :)
Thanks for reading

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 15, 2022 ⏰

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