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The hot sun beat down on Alayna as she wandered through the busy Morwana market, her senses overwhelmed with all the sounds, sights and smells. She could already feel herself sweating through the head shawl that helped conceal half of her face and made her fit into the crowd. Being in such a busy place where she could easily be recognized was dangerous, but what was life without a bit of danger?

"Fresh bread!"

"Coconut from the Cealtan coasts!"

"Cure to Scorpion sting!"

"This potion will make you immune to Mentalists powers!

"Come and get it fresh!"

"Light, airy shawls to protect you from the sun!"

"Need someone killed?"

"Freshly made horseshoes!"

The various vendors all shouted, their voices overlapping in the clamour and activity. It was hard to tell what voices came from where, but Alayna managed to pick out the voice yelling about horseshoes, locating the rickety stall admist the bright colours of the market. 

Alayna tugged at the shawl, making sure it covered her face and neck more as she peered at the items displayed.

"Anything I can help you with, miss?" The man asked, his voice dripping with disdain.

Alyna clucked her tongue as she thought, trying to recall precisely what she had needed. If only she had been smart enough to make a list. "I need one of those, please." She said, recognizing the tool she needed.

"A Hoofpick will cost ya fifty gold."

Alayna balked at the outrageous cost, nearly double what most vendors sold and fifty more than what she would get back home if she didn't insist on doing it herself.

"The price on it says thirty!"

"Yes, well, they are high in demand right now; this is our last one." He said, very obviously lying. He was trying to trick her into paying more, the greasy bastard.

"The vendor up the street sells them for twenty-five, either thirty or nothing," Alayna said as calmly as she could.

"How bout you send your husband back here to get those kinds of tools, darling? You obviously have no idea what you are talking about. There's a nice little bead stall across from me that'll be more your speed. You need to leave my stall if you don't have enough."

Rage cut through Alayna like a freshly sharpened blade as she dug through her coin purse, seeing if she had brought enough gold for the pick. It was a ridiculous cost, especially when she could get it done for free elsewhere, but she was tired of everyone underestimating her.

"Extra, Extra! Larovethian troops have taken the Cealtan trade city of Emerald harbour!"

Alayna's attention immediately snapped away from the blacksmith and towards the dirty paperboy standing on top of a rickety crate. Instantly forgetting about her current task, Alayna pocketed the change purse, ensuring it was secure and hidden from pickpockets, before making her way over to the boy.

"Did you say the Larovethians made landfall?" She asked, concern and excitement flaring through her.

"You'll have to purchase a paper for the whole story!" He said with a sly smile, hiding the headline out of sight.

"How much?" She asked a little too eagerly, instantly knowing she was about to get ripped off for the second time of the day. How could she be so stupid, she knew better. 

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