Chapter 3

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Garret ran back to the ship's bow, not even needing to pull out his spyglass to see the enemy armada. Only four vessels, just like Airen had said, but that didn't mean they couldn't have more hiding somewhere.

"Everyone to your sta-"Garret started to yell but cut himself short when he realized all his soldiers were already there and ready, waiting for a command. Pride bloomed through Garret as he looked over his soldiers. They had all trained so hard. He had done a great job.

Focus Garret. He averted his eyes and glanced at the rest of the ships in his Armada, ensuring all seven other ships were in position. His at the very front; The Dragon Horn Regiment almost right behind him. Two Talon Legion ships were on either side of him but slightly behind The Horn, and the remaining few vessels fell in behind in a formation shaped like a dragon. They most likely wouldn't be needed for this attack, but the cargo and soldiers they carried would be necessary for future battles.

The Armada smoothly sailed closer and closer to the enemy lines, getting within firing range. Garret raised his hand, and within seconds the sails were closed, and his ship slowed down, along with the others behind him.

And now we wait. Garret thought as he pulled his pocket watch off his armour, preparing to start the timer. He saw the glint of a spyglass and quickly put his helmet on, hiding his face from view. Like he predicted, the ships across from him didn't fire, didn't shout any commands. Instead, a falcon was sent into the sky, soaring to Garret's ship.

Just as I planned. Garret thought as he held out his arm for the messenger flacon to land on. He gave the bird a quick pat on the head and undid the message tied around its talons.

Your ships are not licensed to be in the Cealtam sea, let alone bringing cargo and weapons in with you. Turn around now and return when your ships are approved to sail in these waters. This is your first and only warning; we do not want to do this the hard way.

Garret smirked at the letter and rolled his eyes. These idiots. He thought as he flipped the paper over and wrote his own little message for them on the back. Let's see how they would like this.

We are here to restock supplies, and we have an important meeting with your ruler. As an important trading port, we assumed Cealtan waters were open to anyone, but I guess we were mistaken. Either way, we must dock and speak with your mayor before making our way inland to talk with your king. It is of utmost importance that we do so with little conflict. We would love to do it peacefully if you just move aside so we can get through. We will do it ourselves if you don't make room for us to move through.

—— Your friendly Larovethian Neighbor

"Take this back to your beetle brain of a master," Garret said to the Falcon before releasing it, watching it soar over the water and land on the enemy ship.

Garret didn't need a spyglass to see the rage that emitted from the ship's Captain opposite him. They definitely wouldn't be doing it the easy way.

"Ready cannons! Don't fire until signalled. By now, you all know the drill; we went over it many times! Let's go tear an armada down!" Garret yelled out to his soldiers, smiling at the cheers that erupted from his ship, mingling with the cheers coming from the other ones nearby.

Garret jogged back to the bow, looking at the two Talon vessels coming up beside him, flanking his ship. He nodded at Commander Torres and General Reyes and waited expectantly for the Cealtan ships to fire.

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